@EvpokPadding @nsaphra Same! Shall we say 6:30 at the Hyatt? Then I can drop my bag at my Airbnb first.
@nsaphra Cool! I'm boarding my connecting flight in CLT now, will be in touch after landing (4:47).
wpmcn With fiends like autocorrect who needs enemies?
@nsaphra ☝️ I'm arriving this afternoon. How about dinner near the conference venue at 7-8ish?
robert_we Ach unsere Bäckerei am Bahnhof nimmt jetzt übrigens Girocard (sie nennen es natürlich EC Karte). Echt cool.
mjpost NAACL, workshops, and *SEM and Semeval proceedings are now available in the ACL Anthology: aclweb.org/anthology/
asayeed @mmbollmann @AnyDs Standard for US conference centers and offices. It is intended for large men who wear big suits all day designed for northern European early spring weather and never abandoned in the USA, not informally dressed academics and/or women.
svouseman Lieblingsstelle bei @maischberger: Die Gesichtsausdrücke von @KuehniKev und @nicosemsrott beim Satz "wir werden die jungen Leute wieder zu uns (CDU) bringen!". pic.twitter.com/lurJuoaLAM
nichtschubsen Adjektiv-Idee „reinrechnerisch“
dalcashdvinsky In April I was helping as expert witness in a murder trial, which surprisingly is not a very common part of an astronomer's job. Now that the trial is finished, I can finally explain how depressing that experience was. medium.com/astronomy-with…
@ojahnn Cont. pic.twitter.com/jvmPlDwlMV