_inesmontani Getting some special @spacy_io stickers ready for spaCy IRL 🎉✨ irl.spacy.io/2019 pic.twitter.com/CRY4Gt2YJ2
hllizi Neues von @akk! "Wenn Stabhandgranaten in einem Atemzug mit Pineapple-Handgranaten genannt werden, ist das eine Äquidistanz, die nicht hinnehmbar ist. Während erstere in einer Fußgängerzone gezündet Menschen töten, explodieren letztere in einem Banktresor nämlich fast gefahrlos."
ChiAbortionFund 🥳💜🗣BEAUTIFUL NEWS on this Wednesday morning: @GovPritzker has officially signed the Reproductive Health Act! Access to reproductive health care is now a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT in Illinois. #twill #RHAinIL pic.twitter.com/x0AtUeNz2l
VerbingNouns @queerterpreter Hypallage or transferred epithet (thoughtful gift = the gift isn't thoughtful, the giver is) explains how nonbinary pronouns aren't nonbinary, the users are. #THEY2019
yuvalpi Nobody tell Delip about The Count twitter.com/deliprao/statu…
GretaThunberg On May 24th, once again well over 1 million students school striked for the climate!
The next global strikes will be on 20 and 27 of September with a global ‘action week’ in between. This time we call for adults to join in a general strike!
#schoolstrike4climate pic.twitter.com/7jXoqdSgeU
mmbollmann I'm flying back from Minneapolis in a couple of hours, so here are my (belated) observations from my first time in the US.
peterbreuer Nachmittags für fünf Minuten aufs Sofa legen, nach vier Stunden wach werden und den Personalausweis suchen, um zu erfahren, wie man heißt.
sjmielke Since most data in Europarl is translated (only one of the 21 languages can be native at a time, after all), the language models are mostly trained on Translationese -- of course they'll find it easy! And indeed, once we balance the training data, the effect disappears!
Bitte, bitte mehr Verbote! zeit.de/kultur/2019-06… via @zeitonline
ojahnn @asayeed Yup, that's us. You're probably wondering how we ended up in this situation. *blending into archival footage of the university being built in 1968 with whatever cheap crap they had lying around for building materials*
asayeed @ojahnn I remember visiting Düsseldorf for ESSLLI and on the opening day, the philosophy building was condemned for asbestos or something. oops.
ojahnn Guess how popular the new hours (7am to 5pm) are among us academics!
ojahnn The hazardous building in which I have my office (toxic building materials) keeps being declared ever more hazardous (2014: no fire escapes, 2018: really no fire escapes, 2019: ABSOLUTELY THE FUCK no fire escapes). So now we're prohibited from being in the building after 5pm.
@geni256 @CedricNoel8 @nyarla23 Wieso denn nicht? Die können doch i.d.R. über Suchmaschinen gefunden und ohne Facebook-Account gelesen werden.
kathrinpassig Exlibris, so geht's: pic.twitter.com/Xh7jSioFEp
cFidd Turns out that anger is still my grief stage of choice pic.twitter.com/w3ouDP77Tl
kathrinpassig Das ist übrigens auch das Taggingsystem im @techniktagebuch. War zuerst eine Notlösung, weil Google Tumblr langsam bis gar nicht indizierte, ist mir inzwischen aber sehr ans Herz gewachsen. twitter.com/WIRED/status/1…
giuseppegurgone GitHub's jump to definition 😍 pic.twitter.com/82hess171b
Mr_DrinksOnMe Genie: Okay what's your last wish?
Me: I wish I had a tail.
Genje: Wejrd but okay.
afternoon dip vs. afternoon nosedive
Dada_le_Grand Welchen Klarnamen habt Ihr Euch überlegt?
rebeccarmix ladies and gentlemen: boring, unnecessarily gendered, overused, honestly i’m already asleep
YOU FOOLS!: dynamic, gender neutral, unique, everyone is definitely paying attention now
johnregehr "We report a surprising finding that the inclusion of hyphens in paper titles impedes citation counts, and that this is a result of the lack of robustness of the citation database systems in handling hyphenated paper titles."
Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen. Sagen die Dinge: "Ey, wir sind kein Hotel!"