Dedalvs In #MurderSheWrote, Angela Lansbury’s character is a mystery writer, and she has the most epic response to someone who tells her they don’t like a book she wrote. I hereby offer it to all artists:
That is your privilege.
RTomMcCoy How am I only learning now that Latvia's prime minister has a PhD in linguistics from Penn??
I've seen many lists of "jobs for linguists outside academia" but they never include Prime Minister of Latvia.
texttheater Gerhard Wolf kommt dann irgendwann aufs Frontispiz
evelynjlamb Computers find new largest known primes every year or so, but in my lifetime they've never found a new smallest known prime. Really makes you think.…
isisnaucratis When my son realized a drawing he had folded & tucked in his 👖 pocket had just been washed w the said 👖, he cried. « No worries, I said, I repair very old papers at work sometimes so I’ll salvage your drawing ». Who knew #papyrus #restoration was also a parenting skill? 📜🌈🤓
Grumpfdalm So viele Gefühle, die gerade von mir gehabt werden möchten. Ob die vor meinem Kopf kampieren und abwarten, bis der Infekt vorbei ist?
"bleibt ihr Geheimnis" schreiben und im nächsten Satz das Geheimnis lüften
Man möchte ein Industriedenkmal besichtigen und findet es nicht vor lauter Pharaonengoldausstellung like wers kennt
"Instead of submitting yet another "we have SOTA, accept please" type paper, the authors were suspicious of this seemingly great success."…
chbergma #CrosslingTwitterDiffs - Part 1. #DidYouKnow that a subtweet is a nonmention (yes, the English word) in German? What's it in your language (if you're following people tweeting in it, it can be hard to find them at first).
buttpraxis Stop sharing videos of people doing standup comedy. It’s not cute! Humans only do that when they’re extremely depressed!