FischerinGabi Ich werde dringend aufgerufen, zu meinem Fahrzeug (links) zu kommen, weil dieser sehr verärgerte Mann nicht einsteigen kann.
Finde den Fehler 😳
Retweets of one's own tweet, or "self-retweets", serve a number of communicative functions, from "y'all forgot to like this" to "this just became relevant again". In this essay, I will…
those rare occasions when you're actually the first person to make the obvious meta joke <3
EnglishGibson Decided that when I have a tweet idea and then check to see whether I've done it before, and it turns out I have, I'm just going to go ahead and retweet myself, why the hell not?
shravanvasishth I can't believe it! A reviewer is asking us to justify why we studied German and Russian! BECAUSE THESE ARE F**KING LANGUAGES. LIKE F**KING ENGLISH. Jesus H. Christ.
shravanvasishth @SilleBrandt i swear the next paper i review, i am not going to accept it until the authors can explain why they chose such a morphologically poor and frankly ridiculous sounding language, namely English. EXPLAIN.
BuckRivera Reüssieren geht über Probieren.
peterbreuer Mnemotechnik-Trick: Stecke ich mir am Pfandautomaten den Bon in die Hosentasche und denke dabei: „Bis zur Kasse habe ich ihn sowieso vergessen“ - dann klappt das auch!
me: let me go
bed: no
xkcdComic Bad Map Projection: South America
cursedsynth i'm at antifa headquarters getting in a fight with my boss. they've just given out assignments on who each of us has to cancel, and i got Engelbert Humperdinck. he keeps giving me rookie assignments. i dont wanna cancel Engelbert Humperdinck