ManuelBieh TIL: (1/0).toLocaleString() === "∞"
Don't ask me why but I think that's a really nice idea 😅
brynguist I mean, if you really think about it—like really think about what "of" and "have" *mean*—"should of done" makes about as much sense as "should have done." Grammaticalization weirds language!…
frachtschaden "nominell zurechnungsfähig" sehr gute konstruktion mmn…
A. rezensiert fritz-spritz bio-traubenschorle: "Überraschend unekelhaft!"
remcoknooi But more importantly, poor (and good) writing is about the organisation and presentation of your material. Structuring your text at section, paragraph and sentence level, thinking about how to take the reader through the narrative.
remcoknooi But let's also talk about what "poor writing" actually is. Yes, part of it is not following the rules of Standard English, whatever they are. And yes, non-native speakers have specific difficulties with some details of Standard English grammar and expression.
horsters237 hoch die hände wochenende.

pfadintegral „Wir waren mit Grau eigentlich sehr zufrieden“
Um eine Explosion unwahrscheinlicher zu machen, soll eine Regel gebrochen werden, die normalerweise der Verhinderung von Explosionen dient.…

xkcdComic Networking Problems
EnglishGibson Übrigens klingt euer “rather not” für “eher nicht” eher wie “lieber nicht”.
learnprolognow New! A manual for drawing Prolog search trees, with lots of examples, covering variable renaming, disjunction, cut, and negation, and the complete search trees of Learn Prolog Now:

Dunkelmagier She’s this Tumblr post
@ojahnn I was thinking the exact same thing earlier today.
zirkuspony was ist eigentlich dieses gassel kölfch das sie hier überall saufen

FrizFrizzle I am determined to find out which year (and potentially which DAY) this "when Britain was great" post is about.
BuckRivera So Wesley’s now some kind of Palpatine figure, serving as the Federation president and secretly as the new Borg Queen?
BuckRivera They clearly added Baby Q to the Picard show late in the production process because of the success of Baby Yoda, and I hate it.
gkalinkat If you work in the German academic system it has just become easier for you to make your conference & collab traveling more #climate friendly! Train tickets can now be covered even if more expensive than flight tickets! (please clarify details w/ your PI & local admin) #unter1000…

lukukian Im Zug von Groningen nach Passau. Preis dank Bahncard 50 fast der selbe wie für einen Flug, Aussicht ist momentan noch ähnlich. #🚂
VQuaschning Die angebliche Renaissance der #Kernenergie fällt aus. #Frankreich schaltet 14 Kernkraftwerke bis 2035 ab und setzt auf Erneuerbare. Die Kernenergie ist inzwischen schlicht unbezahlbar teuer.…