The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

September 4th, 2020

GabrielBerlin Laut CNN ist es nun jedoch so, dass 30% der Menschen fast oder überhaupt nicht mehr stürben, wenn sie nur regelmäßig joggten!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:54 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

GabrielBerlin Warum heißt es Linie und nicht Zweieck

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:54 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

GabrielBerlin Ein Klafter Holz
Eine Tracht Prügel
Es ist Inventur
Am Land

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:53 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

derwahremawa Gerade gehört, dass auf dem Bonner UN-Campus ein 87 Meter hoher Neubau für die Verwaltung der DFG entstehen soll, der sogenannte Förderturm

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:23 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

EmmaSManning Of course, I mean Motivational Quotes in the nerdiest way - these are quotes from the papers that helped inspire and motivate my dissertation. Thought it might be fun to share them now!

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:19 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

NeuroPolarbear Today I removed all issue, volume, and page numbers from the references on my CV. It's 2020

Apologies to anyone who hoped to amble over to the library, find the correct bound volume, locate the right issue number, and then thumbs through the pages to find a paper I co-authored.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:13 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

TheLincoln writers, one of these has to go

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:28 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Wort des Tages: Rumspracherecht

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engl. humbling
dt. Summglitzern

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Wichtige Notizen als Workshop-Papier publizieren, schon damit man sie später wiederfinden kann

via Twitter Web App

Die Hitze ist vorbei, ich vergesse das Trinken und bekomme Kopfschmerzen. 😒

via Twitter Web App

Sektordrei ... etwas wohlfeil, diese Jobs als "Bullshit" zu titulieren - nur, weil sie nicht einer romantisierenden Vorstellung von marktwirtschaftlicher Wertschöpfung entsprechen. Die Sinnsuche und womöglich distanzlos "leidenschaftliches" Arbeiten, wie es meiner Generation seit dem...

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:45 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

charlesarthur Me: how was your Spanish test?
Son: (confident) I think I did pretty well.
Me: oh?
Son: yup, it was multiple choice in Google Forms and Google offered to translate the page for me.

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 3:55 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

peterlovesdata Super interesting podcast about building a business around by @explosion_ai - not doing it the start-up playbook way, not doing it the build consultancy on top way.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:51 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

GabrielBerlin Innenstadt der Klobürste und Klebehaken einkaufen Ort

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 3:10 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

the_starfiend @GabrielBerlin Innenstädte veröden wir schmerzarm mit modernster Lasertechnik. 👩🏻‍⚕️

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:28 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Klimaliste Wenn die @Junge_Union mit Einzelhändlern reden würde, dann wüsste sie, dass der Einzelhandel weniger Autos will. Denn Radfahrende bringen für den lokalen Einzelhandel deutlich mehr Kunden und Umsatz.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:18 PM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

zehavoc Last chance to submit to , deadline is today anywhere on earth. Mostly treebank oriented but cool paper with parsing and error analyzis ties to linguistics phenomenon are welcome. You extracted dependencies from Bert models and want to tell the world? Welcome!

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:52 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Foone Sadly, the "C" in the HT48C06 means this is the mask ROM version, so there's no reprogramming this chip to run other programs. We can't run Doom on this pregnancy tester, I'm sorry.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:39 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

dalcashdvinsky "That's where the ideas happen." - Only for some of us. For others, like me, the coffee breaks are mostly periods to endure as competently as possible, while not having any ideas.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:44 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

peterbreuer Raumfahrt, aber mit dem Schreibtischstuhl.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:40 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

GabrielBerlin Wenn Innenstädte veröden, weil Leute jetzt online *einkaufen*, dann war vielleicht vorher schon mit den Innenstädten etwas nicht in Ordnung.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:17 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

ojahnn I was thinking that it might be cool to design the gather town space in such a way that it has dedicated rooms/areas for "birds of a feather" style groups. So I could go to the "not a psycholinguist" corner and see who else I find who I might share a perspective with.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:17 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

ojahnn @liekegelderloos yes! there's no middle ground between "joining" and "not joining" that gives you space to just sort of hover for a minute to see if the current group and conversation are something you would enjoy. an offensive strategy probably works best but it's scary!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:16 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Bi_Socialist Tag yourself. I'm "shawl insufficiency."

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:58 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

arthur_affect Actual epidemiologists have been saying THIS WHOLE TIME that you should never, ever use the term "herd immunity" except in the context of vaccination…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:31 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Herr_Rau KI-Exkurs gebloggt (danach erst mal wieder Schulzeug, versprochen): Wie ich mit dem induktiven Kartenspiel Eleusis und kleinen neuronalen Netzen experimentiere.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:00 AM, Sep 4th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)