cactus_chef You, a philistine apparatchik: "What is your role in this cooperation?"
Me, a learnèd scholar: "You mean, what is my rôle in this coöperation?"
MagazineAmplify A friendly reminder that you don’t need to fully understand the nuances of gender identity to know that each individual person knows who they are better than you ever will.
GalaxyKate Fencing is the best covid activity because its done outdoors, in masks, and if someone gets within 6 feet of you, they die.
"Bitte warten, während wir Ihre Angaben plausibilisieren."
ScHuehnerkrisp Egal wie natz du guntst, ich günter netzer
schemaly Please stop suggesting that remarkable women are role models for only girls and women. They are and we cherish each and every one of them. BUT BOYS AND MEN NEED TO SEE WOMEN like RGB as THEIR role models. This isn’t incidental but really critical and central #rolemodelsforall…
cactus_chef Ganz okayer Post auf www. facebook .com
frz. Charlemagne
dt. Karlemann
Iron_Spike In case you didn't know: lynxes often sound like someone hiding in the woods, doing a shitty impression of a lynx.
Just literally squatting in the woods screaming "RARR!" like an incompetent, drunken prank.…
FuckYeahSexshop Was viele nicht wissen: Unser Ladengeschäft ist auch offen für alle unter 18 Jahren! Denn wär hät's gedacht: auch unter 18 Jahren kann mensch menstruieren, mastubieren, Sex haben, feministische Bücher lesen wollen und vor allem sich informieren & beraten lassen. 1/2
_l17r_ Democrats actually do have a few options available to work against Trump's impending SCOTUS nomination. (Was not aware of all of these; one more that's missing is that IIRC, impeachment proceedings also take precedence and might be used to delay hearings.)
thingskatedid Image displayed by defining custom character glyphs, on a vt220 serial terminal.
The protocol for defining these glyphs was extended to eventually become a protocol for sending larger graphics, and that's what you use for images in terminal emulators today. Pretty cool heritage.…
L3viathan2142 The merging is complete: From now on, I can just do `curl -L | bash` on a new system and will have pretty much everything set up correctly.
ail_project AIL extracts automatically all PGP user-id from PGP messages including signatures, public-keys or encrypted messages. You can easily find correlations. In the example below, it's another drug online shop moving around. #ThreatIntel…
kathrinpassig @texttheater das @zufallsshirt dankt:
Zukunft menschlich gestalten – Kavaliersdelikte gemeinsam pasteurisieren!
Zukunft selbstbestimmt gestalten – Zwergohreulen gemeinsam bewegen!
Zukunft Europas gestalten – Palmenstrände aktiv entrosten!
translator_tips Danke auch an für die lange Liste an Alternativen und die Erklärungen #dankeSprachpolizei
EinfachFreddy #DankeSprachpolizei, dass Ihr mir so geduldig erklärt, welche abwertenden, pathologisierenden, paternalistischen und vor allem rassistischen und ableistischen Selbstverständlichkeiten ich habe. Und aushelft, wenn ich nicht selbst auf eine alternative Formulierung komme. 🙏…
@thingskatedid Okay, let me ask a question that's not about the terminal. ^^ What drives your work on these cool finite-state tools? Clearly the love of it, but is it also for/did it grow out of work/school/...? Also, is the code available?
thingskatedid I really have to make an FAQ thingy about displaying images in a terminal... it's the only thing everyone asks about whenever I show something!
It's nice, but I hoped people might be interested in what's in the images, not the images themselves.
ScHuehnerkrisp Neuer Impuls: Wörter noch deutlicher aussprechen:
Täternus-Infung (usw.)
don't quack the quack if you won't waddle the waddle
GabrielBerlin Fakt: It-Girl heißt auf deutsch EDV-Fachangestellte
joshraclaw No way to really improve on this but this is literally the reason why English speakers have the word "cherry" and "pea", that shit used to be "cherise" and "pease" and we were like "why the fuck? You are ONE cherry"…
TheDevel0per Man es nicht oft genug posten!
ZackBornstein Remember when Trump committed an impeachable offense five days ago, and now that’s not even a story, and you don’t even know which one I’m talking about
idkrlyanymore my official opinion is the democrats should set up 9 anti-justices in like Baltimore and just declare them the real ones like those medieval antipopes and see what happens
AriBerman Trump lost popular vote by 2.9 million
Senate GOP represents 15 million fewer Americans than Senate Dems
Senate Ds got 18 million more votes than Senate Rs in 2018
There has never been majority support for Trump, GOP or their agenda
1followernodad I know I’m meant to be a little Nonna making meatballs for my grandkids and I will likely never get that and I’m furious but also that was never guaranteed and so you have to pivot. Obviously I’ve pivoted into being a cunt.