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Isimiez This is still my favourite graph in existence. twitter.com/RobDrummond/st…

clapifyoulikeme I am deceased now goodbye pic.twitter.com/fzhYv20hGA
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williamvercetti “wE cAn DisAgReE aNd StIlL bE fRiEnDs”
yeah bitch, about pizza toppings, not racism. gtfo my face.

ric_48 ich wenn ich einmal pro jahr laufen gehe pic.twitter.com/4i7JfMkdGJ
nlpnoah I'll go on the record now and say that I'm optimistic about "Findings of EMNLP" and other similar plans to add publication capacity to NLP conferences. Reputation and prestige are social constructs. In NLP, *we* are constructing them. What it "means" to have a paper 1/n
markus_schlegel Dieser clean geleckte Apple-Style ist doch nicht mehr zeitgemäß. In den neuen Zwanzigern muss es räudig sein und bissle unironisch kaputt.
Falsch! Eine Figur in "Good Omens" von Terry Pratchett und Neil Gaiman und ihre Vorfahren heißen Device. Ausgedacht habe ich mir "Vernunft". twitter.com/texttheater/st…
modernistwitch do the “hang out with people who don’t have yr politics” crowd know that like ... there’s a difference between disagreeing about tactics but essentially having the same values and hanging out with someone whose rhetoric is like “hey maybe you and yr friends should just die”
creamspeak Gerade auf lässig beim Rewe geklaut erst kurzer Ärger mit der Security dann dank Droppen von Buzzwords wie „Finger in die Wunde legen“ „Satire“ und „entlarven“ alles sogar ans Auto getragen bekommen. 🤗
EmmaSManning idk I have such mixed feelings about this discourse that says the way my native dialect pluralizes the second person is bad and I should appropriate from a different dialect instead
ybisk @tallinzen If only someone in our community had built their own solution, already in use by major conferences without problems. One with python interfaces for proceedings creation? One with forum style discussion? One that handles double blind, COIs, multiple emails, ... @openreviewnet
lukukian Dass es großes und kleines Latinum heißt und nicht Latinum und Latinulum, halte ich für eine vertane Chance. #therealissues
brucel Modern web development: "If you just spin up an instance of Golden Goose on Elastic Clownshoes, then clone the flugelhorn inside a Bangwoosh container, connect to the Zonk using Zonk -commit -rj -hgs.plonk, you're good to go. Chrome only of course"
tttthomasssss Ok, so the plan is to always make sure to have one more paper currently under review on decision day.
EMNLP reject? So what, my Coling subs still going!
Coling reject? Who cares, EACL has my papers!
EACL reject? Nae bother, my ACL reviewers are already pulling their red markers.
@tschfflr @CerstinMahlow +1
annargrs I do hope that the ACL peer review reform also includes a move to something better than softconf. twitter.com/emnlp2020/stat…
kathrinpassig @spinfocl Hab es vielleicht schon mal gesagt: Schon als @dalcashdvinsky und ich ca. 2008 das "Lexikon des Unwissens" geschrieben haben, gab es jährlich eine neue Pressemeldung "Rätsel um Voynich-Manuskript gelöst", das ist so was wie das Krokodil im Badesee.

spinfocl Das Zitat fasst eigentlich ganz schön zusammen, in welche Falle Hannig gerannt ist. #Voynich #Scrabble pic.twitter.com/uOfHgyVVQs
remcoknooi Talking about the FOOT/STRUT split when my own mongrel accent ended up with FOOT=GOOSE /ʉ/ with SVLR vs. STRUT /ə ~ ʊ/ is a *struggle* that will soon be available on video.
emilymbender My take away 2: This paper shows the immense value of interdisciplinary perspectives in evaluating the potential risks of technology.
brynguist ALRIGHT you bozos. I obviously love all the confusable words/false friends/false cognates you came up with, but I asked for *coincidental* OPPOSITES. I'm muting this thread since y'all can't follow instructions or check replies to see if 30 other people already mentioned Greek 🧐
VerbingNouns you know what, just because my colleagues can do more reviews than i can, write more outputs and grant apps than i can, spend more hours working than i can, doesn't make me mediocre. And if i am mediocre, i'm Good and Kind and Compassionate too which is direly needed in academia.

marteimer Ganz dünnes Eis, Nilsi pic.twitter.com/9fJhsPdtwv