The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

September 24th, 2020

rofrisch "Meine alten Klamotten lasse ich umstanzen, dann sind die wieder modern." - "Umstanzen?" - "Klaro. Noch nie was von Umstanzmode gehört?"

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:33 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

KidsWriteJokes nok nok

kiss my arm pits

via Hootsuite Inc. (retweeted on 10:04 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

quarkswdr Du bist schon besonders ansteckend, bevor du überhaupt merken kannst, dass du krank bist. Tricky.

via (retweeted on 9:53 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

douwekiela Turning the famous Fred Jelinek quote around: “Every time I _hire_ a linguist, the performance of my NLP system goes up” is one of the goals here. Everyone can build models that cannot be fooled as easily; and everyone can help create examples to train next-gen AI systems. 4/n

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:51 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

douwekiela Dynabench, in essence, is a scientific experiment: can we make faster progress if we collect data dynamically, with humans and models in the loop, rather than in the old-fashioned static way? 3/n

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:50 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

douwekiela Static benchmarks have been extremely important for AI, but also have well-known issues: they saturate quickly, are susceptible to overfitting, contain exploitable annotator artifacts and biases, and have unclear or imperfect evaluation metrics. 2/n

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:50 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

JenMsft Shortlist of useful Windows key keyboard shortcuts to remember:

WIN+⬅️/➡️: Snap current window to left/right side of screen
WIN+⬆️: Maximize window
WIN+D: Minimize all windows
WIN+Period (.): Emoji/symbols/ᓚᘏᗢ
WIN+Shift+S: Screenshot region of screen
WIN+V: Clipboard history

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:44 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

Fakt: Gayle Tufts heißt auf Deutsch Gäle Tüfte.

via Twitter for Android

On page 171 of 336 of Handbuch für Zeitreisende, by Kathrin Passig…

via Goodreads

On page 142 of 336 of Handbuch für Zeitreisende, by Kathrin Passig: "weil die Vergangenh...…

via Goodreads

StorNO: SWERFs gegen Känzelkultur

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30% done with Vor dem Fest, by Saša Stanišić: "Erst im Menschen schlägt die Natur die Au...…

via Goodreads

GabrielBerlin Wie findet ihr Veganerkosewort Schlaubergine

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:51 PM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

molily Ihr: Sein statt Haben!
Ich, ein Softwarearchitekt: Haben (has-a) statt Sein (is-a)!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:35 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

fatma_morgana Die Schilderungen aus dem : eine Polizei, die angeschossenen Menschen nicht glaubt, dass sie angeschossen wurden, sich nicht zuständig fühlt, wenn Zeugen sie bitten den Täter zu verfolgen und sie anschreit, wenn sie es selbst tun. Einfach sprachlos…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:35 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

ClimateHuman Here's an article I wrote in which I urge readers not to descend into the despair of doom, but instead to live courageously with the truth of ongoing climate and ecological breakdown and to do everything in their power to stop it.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:33 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

esalesk One insight that's stayed with me is the importance of testing on *real* low-resource languages: only then do you see e.g. diacritics present and not, mixed dialects, code-switching, and other variation you wouldn't see simulating low-resource settings in HRLs! 💡

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:25 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

TagesschauVor20 [17.3.95] Vor Klimakatastrophe warnt der wissenschaftliche Beirat der Bundesregierung in einem an Umweltministerin Merkel übergebenen Bericht. Wenn weiterhin gleiche Mengen an Kohlendioxid in die Atmosphäre gelangten, wäre ein Gegensteuern in rund 25 Jahren nicht mehr möglich.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:24 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

jayvanbavel As I'm talking, I realized my kids are just staring at me with perplexed looks on their faces.

They weren't horrified, but seemed almost confused by what was transpiring as I raised my voice to explain how we have many mental processes that operate outside our awareness.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:16 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

jayvanbavel I had to teach my Introduction to Psychology class today to 300+ students from my cell phone while I was trapped in my apartment building elevator with my two young kids.

This has to go down as my most surreal and stressful teaching experience.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:12 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

davidschlangen This is amazing on many levels. For SDS community, a great achievement. It also shows how much there still is to do. (Pauses, overlaps, lack of repair.) Also glimpse of future?: two confident robot speakers, happily misunderstanding each other, going off to act on wrong info.…

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 10:12 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

"Die europäische Idee basiert auf der Behauptung, dass Krieg, Hunger und Elend nichts mehr sind, was »wir in Europa«, sondern was Menschen außerhalb Europas erleiden."…

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peterdhintz Können wir künftig einfach neokonservativ statt links sagen.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:07 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

peterdhintz Fakt: Benjamin Blümchens bester Freund Otto ist heute 36 und Postdoktorand am Lehrstuhl für osteuropäische Geschichte an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:07 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

peterdhintz (Dabei kennen sie gar nicht Ottos Nachnamen. Kinder haben keine Nachnamen.)

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:06 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

peterdhintz Habe heute einen Tweet gepostet, in dem ich behaupte, dass Benjamin Blümchens Freund Otto an der Humboldt-Universität arbeite und jetzt schicken mir Leute ernsthaft Personenverzeichnisse der Universität, um mir das Gegenteil zu beweisen.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:06 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

Zwilling, aber als rebootetes Steinschleuderspiel für die Generation Alpha

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svpino Are you taking full advantage of Python 3?

Are you sure?

Here are 10 Python 3 features that will change the way you are writing code today.


via (retweeted on 5:44 AM, Sep 24th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)