ScHuehnerkrisp Am Hardenbergplatz gab es bis in die Achtziger einen orientalischen Teppichknüpfer. Im Volksmund hieß er der Wirkinder vom Bahnhof Zoo.
engl. catfishing
dt. welsen
GabrielBerlin Partnerwunsch:
– Du solltest mit beiden Beinen im Leben stehen
– Du solltest bis zum Hals im Leben stehen
– Du solltest bis über beide Ohren im Leben stehen
leonceundlena Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, gilt ab jetzt die ACAB-Formel: Abstand halten, Corona-Warn-App, Alltagsmasken, Basis-Hand-Hygiene.
emilymbender These have the effect of making the audience apparent to each other. In a Zoom class (or our orientation) we're not running in webinar mode, so people can see the participants pane, but still: it's nice to see the answers get populated and get a summary sense of the crowd. >>
emilymbender Another thing we did at orientation, this time stolen from an event I attended for parents at my son's university (helicopter parent containment strategy, I think), was Zoom polls. >>
emilymbender But 55 self-intros over Zoom will likely get tedious. So instead, I think I'll do 2-3 rounds of small groups and have them introduce themselves to their classmates. >>
emilymbender This seems to have gone *extremely* well, according to the students I've spoken to since. >>
emilymbender @UWlinguistics One idea we came up with was to spend some of our orientation time doing small-group breakout sessions. We used the Zoom facility of randomly assigning breakout groups and sent students off in groups of ~4 with starting discussion prompts (but not requirement to stay on topic) >>
emilymbender The CLMS program at @UWlinguistics strongly emphasizes collaborative work, so we've been thinking over the summer about how to foster the community building required to support collaboration with an incoming cohort who are all remote. >>
emilymbender The key to using the poll function (aside from finding it...) is to make sure that the questions are inclusive, avoiding both situations where students might feel like no option applies to them and situations where those who give a minority answer are thus made to feel insecure.
emilymbender The two top answers were of course Linguistics and CS, and there was the expected smattering of other, but the icing on the cake was that the numbers for Linguistics and CS matched EXACTLY. >>
beyerstein It's much harder to be cynical about a liberal society that acknowledges atrocities and works earnestly to make amends. That's a society that's actually trying to honor its highest ideals.…
brianklaas President Trump repeatedly amplifies bogus claims about the election that *seem* explosive. Then, when you actually look into them, they fall apart. The problem, of course, is that many of his supporters don't look into them further. That's why his election disinformation works.…
ojahnn @HannavonKaese warum nicht ein Krötentunnel unterm Krötentunnel einfach um sicherzugehen
timloehrs Wenn man im Treppenhaus den Lichtschalter und die Klingel gleichzeitig drückt macht man einen Screenshot von den Nachbarn.
GabrielBerlin wie findet ihr offenen Vornamen Jör
alexhern Hyperloop is one of those things that really exposes the failure of "tech" thinking. Like, have you seen a high-speed train? Have you sat down and read even the bare minimum of what it takes to enable movable-block signalling at 350kph? That is deep, deep tech my friend
alexhern Hyperloop will never be a useful mass transit system, but it's doing its job without a centimetre of track being built, because its job is to offer politicians an excuse to scrap funding for railways
cactus_chef Glück im Unglück: Weißer Hai verwechselt Mann mit Plankton
ojahnn @yuvalpi @QueerZoomer @asayeed good start, but not sure why the gloria mundiss would transit sic!
beeonaposy The first rule of data fight club is that the rules of data fight club are only a proxy for the underlying distribution of the rules of real fight club
_noujoum Viele denken bei "reproductive rights" nur an Schwangerschaftsabbrüche, dabei ist daß Feld viel weiter. Es gibt noch so viele Ungerechtigkeiten, die wir besiegen müssen und dafür braucht es Solidarität zwischen allen Betroffenen.
KidsWriteJokes no stopping can stop me
hllizi Which framing is tactically better, characterising Trump as an inept businessman or as a capable money launderer?
JasonKander To summarize the NYT story: Trump got a bunch of $ from his daddy. He lost it all, but then he got paid hundreds of millions to play a billionaire on TV. He tried to use that $ to become a real billionaire, but he lost it all again.
Now he's starting over, but we're his daddy.
cosmicandrogyny points have been made
labenzticker uder (Konj.): Klar abgegrenztes exklusives Oder. A uder B heißt A oder B, aber nicht beides.
markus_schlegel Ich glaube, hier gibt’s mal wieder einen Bruch zwischen der dinglichen Ingenieurswelt, wo »Prototyp« herkommt, und der Softwarewelt. Ein dinglicher Prototyp wird obsolet, sobald das Ding in Serie produziert werden soll. In Software gibt’s das nicht.
markus_schlegel Was ist das Wort für einen Prototypen, den man nicht wegschmeißt, sondern der aufgeht im Endprodukt, so wie die Knospe verschwindet im Hervorgehen der Blüte?
nook of the woods
twig2noise Warum haben die 6 Autofahrer 10m Straßenbreite und die 50 Radfahrer 1,50m? #Flächengerechtigkeit…
"That's quite a brainful."
bencbartlett Recursively rotating segments of an image rotates the image itself
🔗 Code by rvizzz on GitHub:
leonidobusch 1. Die Zeitreisetheorie: endlich eine befriedigende Antwort auf die (vermeintlichen) Paradoxieprobleme von Zeitreisen mit Hilfe der Theorie des Multiversums. Wermutstropfen: ein Plot wie in "Zurück in die Zukunft" ist damit leider unmöglich.