Wenn die neue Staffel Discovery immer noch ungeguckt, weil unguckbar usw.
texttheater Forderung: Millionen, billions, 万 etc. weltweit abschaffen und Exponentialsprechweisen benutzen.
Donuts sind Berliner, die statt mit Marmelade mit NICHTS gefüllt sind 😱
xkcdComic Outlet Denier xkcd.com/2589/ m.xkcd.com/2589/ pic.twitter.com/zQmO1mcdQa
NeinQuarterly My God: dead.
My hope: unfounded.
My destruction: mutually assured.
Grumpfdalm Recruiter: So, the team are really impressed by your next-level understanding of Partial Application
Recruiter: but we are a little worried about the gaps in your resume and there seems to be a whole page missing from your references
Recruiter: oooooooohhhhh
Cathulhu_fhtagn Hey Internet, was für unerreichbare Ideale hast du aktuell so für Eltern auf Lager?
Kinder werden ein Jahr zu früh geboren und müssen nachgebrütet werden twitter.com/MadameMuede/st…
GoodGermanWords Who's going to do #Käseukrainer twitter.com/Stresseule/sta…
@LingMuelller The name changed at some point, but they kept the acronym, AFAIK.
RT 🔒"sehenswertes interview; weniger wegen der titelfrage als aufgrund der einsichten in den BND" tagesschau.de/investigativ/w…
"Paradoxically, the problem with American exceptionalism is that even those who challenge its foundational tenets and heap scorn on American militarism often end up recreating American exceptionalism by centering the United States in their analyses of international relations."
"The prescriptive implications of this position are clear: (...) Eastern European countries should (...) accept their geopolitical role as neutral buffers at the edges of the vestiges of the American and Russian empires."
"Eastern Europe is maddeningly complex. It doesn’t even have a clear definition" twitter.com/gchrupala/stat…
Season 2 to be a rehash of All Good Things?
derwahremawa Jetzt geht das wieder los, dass man den Deutschen beibringen will, nach Interessen statt nach moralischen Prinzipien zu handeln, als ob das Gegensätze wären
Darth Borg Queen.
Guinan explains why she ~chose to age~. Yes, yes, we get it.
As of Picard S02E01, those pesky security checks are abolished entirely. You can now disable holodeck safety protocols or initiate self-destruct with one simple voice command.
_l17r_ Das Mikroskop, mit dem man das Ausmaß meines Mitleids wahrnehmen könnte, muss erst erfunden werden. twitter.com/georg_renner/s…
@andreasvc @FiboKowalsky I once wrote a thing to re-align raw texts that have diverged (e.g., due to normalization): github.com/texttheater/io…
@andreasvc @FiboKowalsky The PMB does assume raw text never changes. One solution is to handle raw text changes *in tokenization*: tokens can be removed, added, *and changed*, but are always anchored to some span in the original raw text. This is to some extent implemented in the PMB.
OsenovaPetya You can still register for #SyntaxFest to be held on March 21-24 in Gather (virtually in Sofia). The exciting program is already out. Check it here under Program: syntaxfest.github.io/syntaxfest21/
So, jetzt noch einmal vier Tage auf Schnee verzichten, dann hab ich's für diesen Winter geschafft. Kriegen wir hin, oder?
Who needs a copula if you can have an inherently reflexive verb with a dummy subject pronoun and not one but TWO oblique objects
keratinize.v.02 (become horny and impregnated with keratin) #WordNetGems
A is B
es handelt sich bei A um B
derwahremawa Erneut relevant twitter.com/derwahremawa/s…
@FrueheNeuzeit @fussballinguist Ich bin des Niederländischen mächtig, aber Fußballkenntnisse, naja.
KatherineAMunro Life as a TEFL teacher with an Australian accent: trying to elicit from the students a specific word beginning with 'R'. After they gave up and I revealed the word, they exclaimed, "oh, beginning with errrr for 'Robert', we thought you meant 'ahhh' for 'apple'!" 🤦♀️ @RobDrummond