Knobelsdorff Herrlich.
BuckRivera Löschen Sie die Datei „Do_not_delete=WindowsEssentialFunction1.essential“ und starten Sie Windows neu.
formschub I see their colours everywhere. ☮️🇺🇦
drguidoknapp 1939: Friedrich Kellner beginnt geheime Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, die er bis zum Kriegsende fortführt. Darin entlarvt er u.a. die viel zu niedrigen Gefallenenzahlen in der NS-Propaganda als Lüge. Sein Trick: Er hat die Todesanzeigen in der Zeitung ausgewertet und hochgerechnet.
imperialcollege The Telegraph has corrected and apologised for another untrue claim about Imperial #COVID19 epidemiology. It's the 16th time they have had to correct or clarify false or misleading reporting on Imperial coronavirus research.
@drjanosch1 @threadreaderapp unroll plz
marceldirsus We're now at stage two of German foreign policy:
1. Ignore issue as long as possible
2. Say it can't be done
3. Watch everything get worse
4. Lose allied trust due to inaction
5. Reluctantly change course
6. 🎉"We're amazing because we changed course"🎉…
3 of 5 stars to Hackers by Steven Levy…
csommer Was für ein Cover
hauckundbauer Heute in der #FAS
cactus_chef Der korrekte Hashtag ist natürlich #gnadederfrühengeburt!
Zeit ist bedeutungslos geworden.
Jesse_Brenneman What I’m describing is just the other side of the thoughtfulness coin. Just as you can be considerate in what you say, other people can be considerate in how they receive it. The Times would have it be one way: you say what you want and other people have to be considerate of you.
Jesse_Brenneman Actual last thought: it may seem like I’m coming down on one side of a debate but I’m not. I’m saying that the entire debate, as it exists, is nonsensical and misleading and largely rests on mischaracterizations of fairly normal things, such as the Times on “self-censorship.”
Jesse_Brenneman “You shouldn’t lose your job because of something you post on social media” is a meaningless principle. What if you post “I just killed my family” or “Here’s all of my employer’s private financial info.” Obviously we all know context matters, but they try to erase it.
carljackmiller When we say Kyiv is winning the information war, far too often we only mean information spaces we inhabit.
Pulling apart the most obvious RU info op to date (as we did using semantic modelling), very clear it is targeting BRICS, Africa, Asia. Not the West really at all.
Noetherworld 💯…
warum heißt es keep on swinging und nicht viben bleiben
GabrielBerlin was seid ihr denn für