zehavoc Breaking News, dear #NLPers and #COMPLING people ! if your institution cannot afford/fund your attendance, 50€, to the #SyntaxFest, contact the registration desk, we can offer free pass ! (within what is budgetary possible for the orgs)
Don't be embarrassed ! twitter.com/zehavoc/status…

NeinQuarterly I’ve only been to Ukraine once. But trust me: You see its flag everywhere. pic.twitter.com/Hg9jKQNbB9

BlakesWort Ich liebe diesen einen Song von… pic.twitter.com/K6PYnYK1Ce

valentina__py If you are interested in implicit and underspecified language consider submitting to the UnImplicit workshop #NAACL2022! With @meanwhileina, @complingy and Judith Degen as invited speakers. Info: unimplicit2022.github.io pic.twitter.com/UM4uD4X5xj
emilymbender Maybe if your company had a better culture around reasonable work/life balance you wouldn't need your calendar to remind you to HAVE DINNER WITH YOUR FAMILY, Sundar. twitter.com/emilymbender/s…
hrtgn Hoch die Hände Zeitenwende
@JoseZagal @Cr1ss0v @Hung_TT_Nguyen That's covered, just not shown in that particular example.

GRINDMAST0R Internationale Staatsoberhäupter mit ihren Doggos pic.twitter.com/ovDb5316XQ

edyong209 In other news, a hawk took out a pigeon right outside my window and has been monching on in, which is exactly the level of dinosaur-on-dinosaur violence that I needed out of this Thursday morning. pic.twitter.com/tF4trOMxRE
vagina_museum Mammals have one pair of sex chromosomes, dubbed X and Y, with XX corresponding roughly with female and XY with male. Birds also have a pair, Z and W, with ZZ being male and ZW being female.
In platypuses, XXXXXXXXXX is female and XYXYXYXYXY is male.
vagina_museum Because telegrams from Australia to London were very expensive, and charged by the word, Caldwell wrote up the fruits of his research in four words: "Monotremes oviparous, ovum meroblastic." (In lay terms, "yep they lay eggs, they're like reptile eggs")
Auf Deutsch Möpschen es ist ein #Fakt twitter.com/vagina_museum/…

KatysCartoons Atoms are binary. They are either intended to be hydrogen or helium. We can't just scrap this worldview just because of a handful of exceptions pic.twitter.com/fDGS3ANLLU
vagina_museum These discoveries throughout the nineteenth century were quite an existential crisis for the burgeoning field of taxonomy, who were trying to neatly define and group animals, then this pesky creature with its peculiar birdy inner junk and no nipples but milk comes along.

vagina_museum For the first couple of decades of knowing about platypuses, quite a lot of them were convinced it must be a hoax, because look at it. pic.twitter.com/JN4cFyH574
tschfflr Irrungen der Statistik: Nach der veränderten Kategorie zählt fortan ein Kind als "eingewandert", eins nicht - vorher zählten beide unter "Migrationshintergrund". Komplexitäten der Operationalisierung gesellschaftlicher Phänomene. twitter.com/MDIntegration/…
AIsToBAsCIsToD Post Hoc : Propter Hoc :: Post Doc : Propter Doc
arocalyptic "gothic zäune sind auch nur fishnets für häuser" — ich 2k22
miguelrausa 'My Way' - Der offizielle Song für runde Geburtstage von Arschlöchern!
edyong209 I first wrote about the panic-neglect cycle in 2017. At the time, I assumed it would operate on a timescale of years, and that neglect would set in AFTER the crisis was over. Oh, sweet summer child. *pats 2017 self on the head and ruffles his hair* 2/
_stk Vielleicht haben die im BMI so einen Batman-Scheinwerfer und wenn jemand „Agilitaet“ will, projizieren sie das Capgemini-Logo in den Himmel
derwahremawa Wer nannte es Altpapiercontainer und nicht Druckabfall im Sicherheitsbehälter
Telemetry_Deck LIFTOFF! We're now live on ProductHunt.
Please please go there NOW and tell people how you feel about TelemetryDeck. The more upvotes and comments we get in the next 24 hours, the more we can spread the word about TelemetryDeck! 🚀

markus_schlegel Vorsicht bei sog. „Anti-Age“-Produkten. Der Körper wird da sofort zur zeitlosen, platonischen Idee und man kann außerdem die meisten Webformulare nicht mehr benutzen. pic.twitter.com/VJfRtWAOzm

LunaFoxgirlVT Saw this on a Discord, and yup, that’s pretty accurate. pic.twitter.com/u4bQTOqPSj
hllizi Was soll der letzte Satz? Wen interessiert es, wen Moskau für irgendwas verantwortlich macht, was ist die Nachricht?
Trottel. twitter.com/faznet/status/…
HHU_de 🙌#Starthilfe erwünscht!
Von hier aus twittert ab sofort das Team des Forschungsdatenkompetenzzentrums @HHU_FDM: twitter.com/HHU_FDM?s=20&t…
hllizi Even if this were true - and it obviously assumes that excellence in programming is at least partly about keeping an eye on irrelevant bureaucratic detail that could easily be automatised - what kind of project can do without the involvement of mediocre programmers entirely?
spinfocl Beim Beitrag „Das Teilbare und das Unteilbare“ von @kathrinpassig erweisen sich die Folien als unteilbar in WebEx. #wissensordnungen

IDS_Mannheim Malte Belz & Carolin Odebrecht (@HumboldtUni) veranschaulichen, dass eine #Korpusarchitektur – insbes. für Korpora nicht-standardisierter Sprache – verschiedene epistemische Anknüpfungspunkte für unterschiedliche Forschungskontexte bieten muss. #IDSJT22 #Wiederverwendung #Korpora pic.twitter.com/w6MCca0V5p
ud_workshop Note that if (for any reason) your institution cannot pay your registration fee, we offer free registration (within the limits possible)
ud_workshop There is still time to register to #SyntaxFest2021! We have an amazing program and it will all happen on our Gather space which includes a game room and a virtual Bulgaria space! More info on syntaxfest.github.io/syntaxfest21/
@highfrontvowel I mean yes, masculine forms like "Studenten" are often used in a non-gender-specific sense... but that is often perceived as unequitable and frowned upon.
@highfrontvowel No, that's masculine (the corresponding feminine form is Studentinnen).
@highfrontvowel Right, only the plural is gender-neutral. But that's something, isn't it?

unicode New proposed addition to UTS #35 for Person Name Formatting. Details in PRI #434: unicode.org/review/pri434/ #ldml #cldr pic.twitter.com/siIDUmGpdI
Hung_TT_Nguyen Vietnamese and other peoples of Southeast Asia have naming conventions very much different from those in the Anglosphere. For us, writing our names overseas is a big headache. Let me first explain Vietnamese names, then I'll touch on names in other cultures.
@RomainBrette @threadreaderapp unroll plz
the_maki 1. St.Helena
2. Tankstelle
3. Bunker
4. Den Haag