The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

March 30th, 2022

derwahremawa Und Diederichsen sagte lachend »Leider nicht!«. Diese Leute haben in den 80ern mal beschlossen, dass es irgendwie ästhetisch und politisch wichtig und fortschrittlich ist, etwas gegen Rockmusik zu haben, und sind dann drauf hängengeblieben. Was soll man dazu noch sagen

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:01 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

RealSexyCyborg The problem is, they’d gotten it wrong- really wrong. Aerosols were a far greater factor than they’d realized. That’s why there’s no “going back to normal” because we can’t just forget what we now know.………

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:59 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

RealSexyCyborg The Dyson Snot Cannon is based on a pre-2020 understanding of public health. Prior to 2020 there was limited attention paid to the concept of “source control”. The source of the “bad air” was pollution- not us. The bad air had to be filtered coming in, surely not the other way?

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:58 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

anna_pryslopska I got into a petty dispute over semantics and won, so that's my contribution to society for today 😎

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:51 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

RealSexyCyborg Ok here's a technical breakdown of why the “@Dyson Zone™ Air-Purifying Headphones” aka. the Snot Cannon aka. the Wearable SuperSpreader Event is such a staggeringly bad idea and a significant danger to public health if it is allowed to be sold.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:39 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

i_sodope_ if you've been wondering what i've been doing the past month, it's this! can't wait to speak to you guys at this year's @TEDTalks event in vancouver!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:29 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

spinfocl Behutsamer Aufbau der Schleimhautimmunität oder jahrelanger knallharter Lockdown. Tertium non datur. Choose your fighter.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 4:27 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

MeaningBank Impressive work by Bruno Guillaume on graph rewriting for computational semantics, including a very cool search interface for Parallel Meaning Bank data:…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 3:11 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

fussballinguist Fußnoten in wissenschaftlichen Aufsätzen (sofern Quellenbelege im Fließtext sind)?

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:07 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

Fakt: 11:00 Uhr, 00 Sekunden und 00 Hundertstelsekunden heißt beim US-Militär "eleven million hours"

via Twitter for Android

LilithWittmann Da sitzen Leute, die burnen Tag für Tag Millionen. Reden und bauen krassen Bullshit.
Und dann kommen wir und machen ihr Quatsch-Spielzeug einfach mal nachhaltig kaputt.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:12 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

LilithWittmann Es ist so unfassbar absurd. Ich kann von Slot zu Slot springen und lande immer bei Veranstaltung, wo es zumindest mitschwingt, dass Wallets und digitale Zeugnisse ja nicht so gut funktioniert haben.
Weil @fluepke und ich uns mal nen Abend hingesetzt haben.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:12 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

malfynnction "People with long hair usually need longer to dry their hair than people with short hair."

TERF logic: "Omg, 'people with long hair'?! Aren't we allowed to say 'women' any more?? Why would you reduce us to parts of our body?1??!"

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:12 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

johl Epic story on the wonders of German libraries.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:06 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

bschillace 16/
While I’m pondering this, she decides to reboot the machine. And now it works with my USB. I will always remember her words… ‘sometimes you just need enough despair in the air.’ Followed by: ‘we have to do this all the time when the USB stops working.’ I’ve been here hours.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:06 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

bschillace 15/
‘I suppose I could ask if it’s all right to just scan it for you later and email you the PDF.’
A scanned PDF. I’m an email. Which I was assured could not be possible, and so travelled over the Atlantic at my own expense to get.
‘What?’ Says me from the floor.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:06 PM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

"bring vaccines"
"being in outside bags"
I like the surrealism…

via Twitter for Android

enpunktkapunkt (Wie sie da liegt, diese Semmel. Ist es Eleganz oder Selbstverständlichkeit. Wie sie da liegt und beim Draufstarren noch daer liegt)

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:59 AM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

labenzticker Plattekuhle, die: Die 3. CD-Veröffentlichung einer zunächst vielversprechenden Newcomer-Band, geprägt von Tourmüdigkeit, Ideenlosigkeit und „musikalischen Differenzen“.

via Labenzticker (retweeted on 11:56 AM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

samuel_mcqueen The first Batman film was in 1960, the first reboot was in 1989, the second reboot in 2005, the third in 2016, and the fourth in 2022, which, given sufficient extrapolation, suggests that by 2050 or so there will be a new Batman reboot every 15 microseconds.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:46 AM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

danieldekok Ragged is one of the most commonly used array types in Thinc and spaCy. It stores sequences of varying lengths consecutively in an array, along with the sequence lengths.

Ragged lazily computes sequence start/end indices from the lengths for array indexing/slicing.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 10:36 AM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

@frachtschaden Große Verdampfungsoberfläche macht Sinn, aber müsste nicht zusätzlich das Glas oben schmal sein wie so ein Nosing-Glas, um die Aromen zu konzentrieren? Nicht, dass ich mich auskennte.

via Twitter for Android in reply to frachtschaden

brembs The famous publisher value-add...
h/t @pjhundt and @ballaschk

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:26 AM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

nodrama_de Ich habe Angst, die letzte Folge vom Corona Info Podcast zu hören. Was, wenn es so endet wie LOST und Hendrik Streeck nur eine Prüfung war?!

via Twidere for Android (retweeted on 10:25 AM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

ScHuehnerkrisp Ich dachte bis eben, Pundit wäre jemand, der verboten schlechte Wortspiele macht

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:15 AM, Mar 30th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)