TODO app idea: what you don't mark as done by the due date is automatically pushed back 1 day, then 1 week, then 1 month, then 1 year.
Has anyone tried something like #deepdreams, but for speech? Strengthen the words that the network thinks it hears? #DeepLearning
Oh God, Someone Ran Fear and Loathing Through Google's Neural Network…
(Main road surrounded by grassland makes slight bend.)
(Street in dense urban grid makes 90° bend.)
Google: …
@ojahnn Ist das „Gödel, Escher, Bach“?
jkfecke Incidentally, this seemed way too on point, and I decided to fact-check.
100% legit.……
ojahnn Anwendungsfälle: Basismodule im Studium, theoretischer Teil eines sonst praktischen Seminars, erste Smalltalk-Gespräche mit neuen Bekannten
ojahnn Seit Jahren meine Lieblingsmetapher f Situationen, in denen man sich erst durch was todlangweiliges quälen muss, bevor es interessant wird.
ojahnn Die beste Erfindung von Walter Moers ist meiner Meinung nach der Abenteuerroman, der mit 100 Seiten über Theorie der Lanzenpflege beginnt.
treycausey "forcemake": a movie that seems to be simultaneously a reboot, a remake, and a sequel. Etymology: "The Force Awakens"
The human RAID controller #backupday
nadjakwapil Prestigious authors. Re-searching for even more prestige. You might at best re-lie on them.
joerogan Court strikes down university ban on 'communicating in a manner likely to cause emotional or physical discomfort'…
dorinlazar @BernieSanders Romania is sorry for not being the third world country you and your voters thinks it is. We'll be more careful next time!
schachtigall Nun grillt das #Bundesverfassungsgericht den #NPD-Parteichef Frank Franz zur NPD-Programmatik. Erster Eindruck: Er laviert ganz schön rum.
Wahnsinn. Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles) via @YouTube
Nachtvogel Sagenhaft, wie der Spiegel es hinkriegt, einen hochkarätigen Kongreß zu #Sexwork komplett zu ignorieren. Naja, vermutlich auch besser so.
honnibal O my neural net.
When you do not learn, is it
Chance or buggy fate?
#deeplearning #haiku
labenzticker Balbini, der: Knapper zweiteiliger Badeanzug für kleine Mädchen.
levudev »Tut mir Leid, die Buchstabensuppe mag ja gut schmecken, aber das Kerning ist ja katastrophal!«
zachlieberman what happens when you average “faces in things” images… via @RobbyKraft @sfpc
duckinator All you need for a name field is a single textbox. If you think you need anything more, get the fuck over yourself.
etzioni A Plan in Case Robots Take the Jobs: Give Everyone a Paycheck.…
EverydaySexism Obama removes all funding for abstinence-only sex education…
emilymbender Would you like an any-to-any dictionary in your browser? Check out for Chrome using @panlexproject by Li Wang