GerritKloss Skandalöse Begründung der MHH im Fall #vonderleyen: Die benannten Mängel hätten zwingend zur Aberkennung des Titels führen müssen.
My programming class is making Twitterbots now that will soon start posting Dutch generated rhymes and accidental haikus. #excited #botALLY
marga_owski Ich kann das nicht, mit Twitter aufhören. Ich finde doch nie wieder eine Dating-App, auf der ich mit Erika Steinbach kommunizieren kann.
Snowden Journos: @MIT studied exactly this and found Lynch's desire is impossible to safely achieve:……
siracusa My daughter (8) describing Darth Vader's force-choking abilities: "He can kill you through Wi-Fi."
brianloveswords We couldn't get the printer to connect, luckily it's a printer/scanner combo
asayeed I'm in a natural science that is also a social science, a "humanity", and a sort of IT engineering. All at once, equally.
Bei "#autochirp" muss ich mir immer einen Twiiterbot vorstellen, der schlechte Witze erkennt und mit Grillenzirpen reagiert. ;)
@Lotterleben Yup.
mikehadlow Yes, I'm a computer programmer; no, I don't know how your computer works.
ojahnn Reading a lot of terrible published papers as research for my own term paper is giving me a lot of confidence. If those can get published...
spinfocl #AlphaGo wins first game against human world champion #LeeSedol. #deepMind #Go #byeLastBastion
therealmoneyboy Bank is a place where they loan you money if u prove u don't need it
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