"Ist ja toll, dass sie klug sind, aber müssen die das ständig so öffentlich zerebrieren?"
pmddomingos Bots are the new apps: techcrunch.com/2016/03/17/fac… (h/t @uwcse_ai)

DannyDutch If you face swap Mulder & Scully they look like a great Synth Pop band. pic.twitter.com/Sai6CsC8Am
SoVeryBritish "I quite fancy a drink tonight actually" - Translation: Let's have all the wine
ATBrokenNews Lecker Sahne: Österreich und Russischer Truppenabzug

_danilo respect for users as a business model
contempt for users as a business model pic.twitter.com/0WILIrodtF
Die AfD ist ein politischer Arm des IS. correctiv.org/blog/2016/03/1…

YouSaySocial Twitter has sneakily enabled algorithmic timelines!
For chronological timeline, open settings and untick this box... pic.twitter.com/ETWQy89iKl
Yo Google Fit, the day ends when I go to sleep, not when it's midnight.
Samoth12 Antis spread stigma against sex work and then use the negative effects caused by that stigma as a cudgel against sex workers.
astefanowitsch . @Fischblog Was die Frage aufwirft: Kann Gott einen Bierkrug erschaffen, der so groß ist, dass er ihn nicht in einem Zug leeren kann?
aparrish it's impossible to use talking to communicate your intent unambiguously, which is why we invented systems and procedures in the first place
aparrish I think there's this idea in the NLP/AI/whatever community that computers will soon be able to perfectly understand human language, but—

aparrish I think about this quote a lot—not as it relates to games but as it relates to computers & natural language pic.twitter.com/SvxHgbfpcy
daswarkeinhuhn Quelle: Tweet über Quelle mit Inhalt: "Quelle: Quelle" twitter.com/frachtschaden/…
thejapanesefor The Japanese for "wrist" is 手首 (てくび/tekubi), which means "hand neck". Likewise, "ankle" is 足首 (あしくび/ashikubi), or "foot neck". #1sttweet!

Improvement of overall life quality pic.twitter.com/guOkEGaLZc

johnedgarpark My modified multitool made it through two airports today! It may help that I laser etched "TSA Compliant" on it. pic.twitter.com/eOXwCfzOsw
He drank two warning shots.
"Ja, bist du vom schwülen Dunst umwabert?"
"They were liable to solidify in their notion that he was a dangerous lunatic." #epicquotes