The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

June 25th, 2018

Wenn es ringförmig ist wie ein Kreisverkehr und nur gegen den Uhrzeigersinn befahren werden darf wie ein Kreisverkehr und Vorfahrt genießt wie ein Kreisverkehr, so ist es doch ohne Kreisverkehr-Schild kein Kreisverkehr (und man muss beim Einfahren blinken).

via Twitter for Android

zeitweise Habe ein paar Influencern kostenlos Menschenrechte zugebilligt und die werden jetzt Menschenrechte gut in ihren Videos besprechen.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:28 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

@ojahnn But I think things like that are a big part bad luck, and very different from habitual unreliability.

via Twitter for Android in reply to texttheater

Aphrothighty One big example she mentioned: non-black people have trouble with the habitual be (like, “he be working”). They think we just throw “be” into any sentence, anywhere. 😂

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:35 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

Aphrothighty I talked to a black linguist who told me she starts her classes with an African American English pre test. Everyone thinks they can pass it, but non-black students fail bc they don’t understand that the way we speak has rules.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:35 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

ParkerMolloy People are totally silent as states push anti-trans "bathroom bills" designed to ensure that trans people can only leave their houses for as long as their bladder can hold, but yeah man, go on about the importance of "dignity" and "civility" for fascists.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:35 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

crandallgold If you think that Mexico is only sending drug dealers and rapists,

but also worry that Mexicans are going to take your job...

What the fuck do you do for a living?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:27 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

@ojahnn Btw. from what you told me about your first "mistake" I'm not sure it even qualifies as one... 5/5

via Twitter for Android in reply to texttheater

@ojahnn I specifically remember one situation where I forgot two appointments in a short time and it totally mortified me because reliability is an integral part of my self-conception... 4/

via Twitter for Android in reply to texttheater

@ojahnn For example, I got into the habit of actively thinking about how many things I will have the energy for within a given timeframe, and limiting plans accordingly. 3/

via Twitter for Android in reply to texttheater

@ojahnn As one grows older and acquires more responsibilties, one becomes more likely to hit the limit from time to time. It happened to me, and it took some adjusting.

via Twitter for Android in reply to texttheater

@ojahnn I had to read up on the concept of spoonie, but I think it only makes sense if you allow that everybody is a spoonie, just the number of spoons is different. 1/

via Twitter for Android in reply to ojahnn

SarcsmoMultiple El gol de Kross desde otro ángulo.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:44 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

"Aber dass sie es überaus reizvoll findet, in der aufstrebenden Region Ostwestfalen-Lippe diese außergewöhnliche Karrierechance als Facility-Managerin zu ergreifen, das können Sie als Personaler doch nicht ernsthaft glauben."…

via Twitter for Android

ojahnn Me in the first session of an undergrad class for which too many students signed up so I need some of them to decide not to take the class…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:42 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

"If every party to a transaction trusted the information involved, even though they didn’t trust one another, costs could fall and performance could improve drastically. That is the essence of the blockchain vision."…

via Twitter for Android

zeitonline Die Deutsche will es angehenden Azubis einfacher machen. Künftig müssen diese kein Anschreiben mehr formulieren, wenn sie sich bewerben.

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 8:14 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

Xscape_YouTuber @zeitonline Das ist gut. Diese Anschreiben sind doch sowieso nur verlogene Schleimscheißerei.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:14 PM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

Habe heute schon 10 Zeilen Code gelöscht \o/

via Twitter Web Client

@_inesmontani @spacy_io Since you described it as basically a rule-based entity recognizer, how about RuleBasedEntityRecognizer? ;)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to _inesmontani

Kategorie: Emoji mit wenig Mund

via Twitter Web Client

danharmon American journalists are born into a bipartisan society. When they are taught how to be “good” at political news, every example used is about two margins and fairness and so, as we die of cancer, journalists X-ray the tumor and say “in other news, cancer is dying of you.” True.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:45 AM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

shan_no_nosays Okay, @netflix. I want to know why you don't caption every single word. I can see what people are saying not matching up with the captions. Also, pardon me, but DO NOT FUCKING CENSOR PEOPLE. I want to know what is said word. for. word. That's the whole fucking point of captions.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:15 AM, Jun 25th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)