sich neugebären
frachtschaden in der grütze liegt die wrütze
polytomous cs researcher: we need to figure out ways to write safer code with fewer bugs so it can be exploited less often.
Hu et. al.: what if
*takes a huge bong rip*
we added more bugs to the system instead.…
(this paper is lit)
voxdotcom Data shows a surprising campus free speech problem: left-wingers being fired for their opinions…
annanasskeks *räumt auf*
*hat keinen Bock mehr*
*macht Peter Fox' Alles Neu an*
*rennoviert Nachbarwohnung gleich mit*
Vollgestopfter Eastpak-Rucksack ist tiefer als hoch
ojahnn Luckily, I have since realized that I'm friends with me-in-six-years, me-in-twenty-four-years, me-in-twenty-eight-years, and me-six-years-ago, so I can ask all those people what decision they would make and why
ojahnn The other day I had to make a decision and caught myself thinking, "I wish I was friends with myself. I bet I'd give great advice here."
chazfirestone “Escher sentences” are sentences that seem fine at first, but on reflection have no stable interpretation, just like Escher’s paintings.
For example, “More people have been to Russia than I have”.
An amazing and puzzling class of sentences, and a cool paper exploring them!…
labenzticker Meinersfehn, das: Seltsames Gefühl, das einen von Zeit zu Zeit überkommt, und bei dem es einem unbegreiflich erscheint, dass man selbst ausgerechnet man selbst ist.
SocMedDr Good thread for those with new academic positions. To this I add: it’s ok if the first year slump lasts longer than a year.…