Autorwesen Der Mangel an Colophonius-Regenschein-Content in meinem Leben hat mich gestern hart unglücklich gemacht
ess_trainor I just stopped to breathe and realized that today is my last day as an adjunct. Over the past three years, I've taught 1000 students and 35 classes in 5 fields of study at 3 colleges and 6 departments. I've taught online and in person. And I've developed 9 preps. (thread)
HdxAcademy "If we become overzealous in our efforts to limit so-called hate speech, we run the risk of setting a trap for the very people we’re trying to defend."…
@danieldekok Bean soup :)
"Das sorgt doch nur für erschwerte Bedingungen, und wer braucht erschwerte Bedingungen?"