60% done with Early Riser, by Jasper Fforde: "'If you don't answer truthfully,' snorted ... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
michitobler This inconspicuous little fish is an Amazon molly, an all-female species. Females steal sperm from males of closely related species to trigger the development of their offspring, but they dump dad's DNA and make perfect little clones of themselves. Poeciliids are awesome #fishsci pic.twitter.com/3elUjho8uP
daniilmagpie Aakanksha Naik @arnaik19 & Abhilasha Ravichander @Lasha1608: "Stress Test Evaluation for Natural Language Inference". NLI requires modelling of quantification, compositionality and many more. Paper: aclweb.org/anthology/C18-… #coling2018 #NLProc
raquelfdzrovira For those at #COLING2018, today @marcodeltredici will present our paper "Road to Success: Assessing the fate of linguistic innovations in online communities" (an AC favourite 🙂) in session 2-1-a (10:30-11:50). Check it out if you are interested in computational sociolinguistics! twitter.com/coling2018/sta…
Geht das nur mir so, oder ist absolut nicht nachvollziehbar, was der Fachanwalt für Verkehrsrecht hier empfiehlt? RECHTS BLINKEN, WENN MAN DER GERADEAUSSPUR FOLGT? twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
labenzticker Titz, der: Der stylishe kleine Designer-Blutfleck, den der Held eines Action-Films ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt wie einen Modeschmuck und Markenzeichen im Gesicht trägt. Einer der coolsten ist Christian Bales Mundwinkeltitz in Equilibrium. labenz.texttheater.net/Titz
CodepointsNet This is a cool Twitter account. Like @shadychars in condensed tweet form. (Hopefully as well informed, too.) twitter.com/mibsl1/status/…