The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

August 16th, 2018

Wenn die R's des Vortragenden gurgeln wie eine Harley und seine Automaten vage aussehen wie astrologische Charts, ist der Vortrag allein schon deswegen interessant...

via Twitter for Android

deifsitassid at the gym i said subscription instead of membership and the girl replied with 'lol this isnt a pharmacy'. bitch thats a prescription were both stupid

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 6:03 PM, Aug 16th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

MurrayLeeA Me:
Who can give me an example of a determiner?


Close! 'Them' is actually a pronoun.

'Give me them books'.

I'm so proud.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:02 PM, Aug 16th, 2018 via Twitter for Android)

@tschfflr Not yet! In short: 1) you can change lexical categories (click on them, then type), 2) you can impose attachment constraints (click-and-drag along the grey blocks to say "this is a constituent"). A new parse then appears after a few seconds.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to tschfflr

@tschfflr – you need an account to edit the derivations, I’ll send you a DM. It’s open source, too:…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to tschfflr

Another TODO: better rendering of CCG derivations for RTL writing systems. Tokens should run from right to left and slashes should be flipped accordingly, I think. But not sure about functional categories yet: should functors remain on the left or move to the right?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to texttheater

The Russian group convinced me that a new type changing rule is needed for the empty copula, so I quickly added it behind the scenes. TODO: make it possible for annotators to do this directly.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to texttheater

IchBinJazz Kann man hier noch IRGENDETWAS schreiben, ohne dass einem eine Vergewaltigung an den Hals gewünscht/man als dumm bezeichnet wird? Wir brauchen vielleicht gar keine Bildung, sondern mal wieder Erziehung. Romulus und Remus wurden von Wölfen großgezogen und waren nicht solche Tiere.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:36 PM, Aug 16th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

KordingLab Science is about overcoming failures. List: (1) once I got to be professor, my first 23 grant proposals we're rejected. I am very comfortable now. (2) I was mediocre at school (~B) and particularly bad at stats. Much of my lab's work is close to stats now.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:36 PM, Aug 16th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

sollichstun whoa ok


ich hab zu mittag einen kleinen wrap gegessen aber war noch immer hungrig. kein problem denk ich mir, snackautomat regelt. ich kauf mir eine ritter sport (alpenmilch) alles gut und denk mir dann naja bin heut länger da zur sicherheit noch malteser.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:35 PM, Aug 16th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

ESSLLI teaching highlight so far: had my class perform CCG annotation today online for an hour. It was SO MUCH FUN (for all involved, I think). ♥ 26 different languages, I learned a lot, very interesting discussions.

via Twitter Web Client

silviamg Last year my son, who is on the autism spectrum, said he didn't want to watch the show Atypical, about an autistic teen. Instead, he suggested I write a show about an autistic mother and son who fight radioactive mutants because it was "more relevant." I think he's correct. ;)

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:57 AM, Aug 16th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)

davidasilva having a Very Grad School Moment of agonizing over the exact wording and tone of an email to a professor that will inevitably receive a seven-word reply, four of which will be "sent from my iPhone"

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:52 AM, Aug 16th, 2018 via Twitter Web Client)