HCCvPDAC Ok, this tweet blew up a bit. I have the feeling that journal clubs across the country will be presenting my papers this week followed by an equal number of “Bro, sorry to tell you this, but...” tweets.
HCCvPDAC For the record, my goal isn't to publish 50 papers a year. My goal is to never have someone listening to a journal club on one of my papers say "How the Hell did this get published?" or "Why can't WE publish crap like this?" or "Who the heck reviewed this? His mother?"
tallinzen Best part of science nerd Twitter is getting trolled by your non-nerd friends twitter.com/ArielleLAngel/…
tallinzen You spent all of this time writing this great paper, consider spending another 30 seconds and add curly braces to your bibtex file to make sure the acronyms in the references are capitalized
i did it \o/
Senficon I kid you not: Out-of-control censorship machines removed my article warning of out-of-control censorship machines juliareda.eu/2018/08/censor… #SaveYourInternet #StopACTA2 pic.twitter.com/2gywnutQSV
Amen_Zine That's very clever 😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/zhHjiDEAnn
@EnglishGibson Indeed, I've often noticed nonnative speakers of German using "soll" when "muss" would have been more appropriate. Seems like "muss" covers quite a wide range of situations.
GabrielBerlin Esse ~Skyr~, eine ~isländische~ Frischkäsezubereitung, in ~Deutschland~ hergestellt, von einer in ~Dänemark~ ansässigen Großmolkerei. Das mikrobielle ~Lab~ überwindet die Blut-Hirn-Schranke auf ~direktem~ Wege, der ~Serviervorschlag~ auf dem Becher er wird real ~in~ meiner Birne
MuslimIQ Privilege is when 300 Priests rape 1000 boys & girls and no one asks:
•Where are the moderate Christians?
•Where were they radicalized?
•How can we stop Christians from destroying our society?
Now imagine if it was 300 Imams?
Saying it again: Terrorism Has No Religion
LHippopotamelan Dalí: Surrealism is DESTRUCTIVE, but it DESTROYS only what it considers to be SHACKLES limiting our VISION.
Varo: I'm envisioning some cats right now :)
Dalí: That's not what I meant.
Varo: They have their own little castle and everything :) :) :) pic.twitter.com/n1gpv0gLDT