HerrSupersonic Wissen sie, was WIRKLICH und DRINGEND abgeschafft gehört?
Diese hässlichen, aus der siebten Hölle auf die Erde gebrachten, widerlich und perfide konstruierten, brutal sinnlosen und die Menschheitshirne zerfickenden, nach innen zu drückenden Pappenupsis an Salzpackungen.
MotoClark Super cool. “Plastic” cup and lid of coffee cup (rest of which is paper) are made of corn starch. Behaves just like plastic but biodegrades in 30 days. This is a Welsh council doing this. Zero single use plastic. If they can afford to so can Starbucks/Costa et al. pic.twitter.com/1CZPdNEPE6
panribbon i feel like femme speech patterns evolved partly to control and mitigate and avoid the pitfalls of patriarchal methods of oppressive communication
but imo they're also wayyy better at negotiating consensus than the traditional patriarchal discursive/debate club thing
panribbon hotter take: traditionally femme modes of communication like this are valid in their own right. for example, "if that makes sense" is good for signalling that i'm prepared to explain because communication is not a precision thing
also for seeking reassurance that i'm understood twitter.com/itsrorypower/s…
labenzticker Armadale, das: Schwäbisches Gschwader der deutschen Marine. labenz.texttheater.net/Armadale
Heute ist ein unglaublich fotogener Tag im Rila-Gebirge