chrschwaegerl Es ist 2018 und wir diskutieren immer noch, ob es in den Städte eine Offensive für ÖPNV und Fahrrad mit raschen, grundlegenden Veränderungen braucht. Das ist ein eklatantes Politikversagen.… #Verkehrswende #Radoffensive
wellformedness * Isolation (WALS #20)
* Exponence (WALS #21)
* Synthesis (WALS #22)
wellformedness Another thing. There at least three weakly correlated morphological typology notions conflated in these terms. It is IMO best to split it apart how WALS does, into three components:
Checkhov's counter-clockwise turn of the door knob
ojahnn Academics: Does anyone have experience with getting reimbursed from your institution for compensating CO2 emissions for your conference travels? E.g. by donating to organizations like
honnibal @jeremyphoward For POS, use the Universal Dependencies corpora. For NER...Yeah this sucks at the moment. I guess this blows our news a little bit, but I can go ahead and reveal that we're planning to do NER annotation layers for the UD corpora during the Prodigy Scale beta.
tallinzen A.B. designed research, C.D contributed new reagents or analysis tools, A.B and C.D wrote the paper, and T.L. went through and changed all of the \hlines to \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule as appropriate
Grumpfdalm @sanczny "Was haben Sie denn gemacht?" - "Ich hatte Sex." - "Geschützt?" - "Ja." -"Na dann, pfff." - "Ich bin bi." - 📢 RUN ALL THE TESTS 📢