Mspaloss @hannawallach I also gave up most to do lists (very hard for me). I found they become list of things I can’t get done. Instead, I list my goals at the start of every day. Exercise, do some coding, spend time with family. Stuff like that. New list every day. Then pick one thing and start.
peterbreuer „Radio Barock FM – das Beste aus dem 16., 17. und 18. Jahrhundert mit den Nachrichten von heute.“
wellformedness Reflection from overnight. This isn't just a "strong Sapir-Whorf" movie, it's "language allows you to to warp the structure of space-time". If you believe in yourself, rise 'n' grind at 5am, do xenomollusk Duolingo on the treadmill #successwin, you too can learn to travel time.
schieritz Die Komplettabschaffung entlaste die Mitte, sagen Union, FDP und Wirtschaftsverbände. Neue Zahlen zeigen: Entlastet werden Singles ab 72.000 Euro brutto und Familien ab 150.000 Euro brutto. Zum Vergleich: Das Durchschnittseinkommen beträgt 37.103 Euro.
ojahnn My boss was really into this idea, but the person in our reimbursement office says carbon offsets don't currently count as "necessary expenses", and thus can't be paid for. But she also seemed helpful, and said she'll start a discussion about this in an upcoming internal meeting.…
Vilinthril After the success of A Quiet Place and Bird Box this year, I guess we can expect a horror movie where people aren't allowed to use their sense of smell or taste next year.
"Es muss schwer sein, eine Rolle auszufüllen, deren einzige Aufgabe der Rückbezug auf das Original aus dem Jahr 1964 ist. Zurück, zurück! Die Anstrengung ist der Schauspielerin anzumerken, und man freut sich jedes Mal, wenn sie atmet."…
"How incredibly centric of me."
ojahnn I met Daan at a conference this year and he explained all this to me in detail, and I'm still as excited about it as I was then. Creating keyboards for diverse languages is such a pure, useful task for computational linguists. Look at the pretty pictures!…
ckolderup wow, really works
Queen_Europe Come on man that’s a fence…