Senficon @J7mPanze @EuParlament @Piratenpartei Nein, ich strebe keine politisches Amt oder Mandat mehr an. Ich habe in der Politik vor allem negative Erfahrungen gemacht und denke, es würde allen Politiker*innen guttun, diesen Beruf nur für begrenzte Zeit auszuüben.
Kopfhörerbuchse hat Wackelkontakt, Ersatz-USB-Soundkarte lässt sich unter Ubuntu nicht laut genug machen und unter Windows nicht leise genug. Ach, Technik. >:-(
Für die flugtaxigerechte Stadt!!1
emilymbender (That's the _bare minimum_ for responsible data handling in #NLProc ... ideally, we'll see something like Data Statements catch on:… )

oaostrik I've gradually started work on a (tagged, ideally annotated) database of resources and research that may be of interest to trans, non-binary, and intersex people.
I want that knowledge base, yall. Our knowledge needs to be easily available/shareable.…
StefanMuelller #Profis wie @c_lindner konnten auch als Schüler den 50jährigen sagen, was "überkommene Strukturen" sind. "Die haben in der Vergangenheit Erfolg gesichert, können ihn aber in der Zukunft nicht mehr garantieren. Sie müssen umdenken." #FridaysForFuture

GoodGermanWords German! same word for "pipe" and "whistle" but three words for "why"
#Good #German #Words
evanmiltenburg The website for the Shared Task on the Reproduction of Research Results in Science and Technology of Language is now live:…
Very nice selection of #NLProc papers to reproduce! Deadline: November 25.
cdutilhnovaes On Fri there is a massive strike in the education sector at all levels in the Netherlands, primary/secondary schools & higher education. I'll be joining the protest organized by the great ppl of @WOinactie in The Hague. Hope to see many colleagues there!…
mmbollmann The draft of the new ACL Anthology is live:
We're still ironing out a few kinks over the coming days, but feel free to test and give feedback on both functionality and layout, ideally via the feedback button on the site!
Miles_Brundage Really great discussion of GPT-2, emphasizing the limited correlation between human-passability-at-a-glance and human-passability-on-close-inspection and why that matters.
[title is kind of misleading re: content FYI]…
ellenmkey ...but not everyone is privileged enough to gamble like that. If a gatekeeper is being a jerk to you, don’t feel bad if you can’t walk away. Remember @MattLebo4’s advice, “Revenge is a dish best served after you’ve got the line on your CV.” 17/17
ellenmkey Be a good ally. If someone you’re working with is being treated unfairly, let them decide how to respond and then back them up. Use your power for good. 14/
"Gotta go have a feat of dentistry performed on me"
kathrinpassig Ich hatte das hier übrigens nur retweetet, weil ich es so absurd fand, einen Artikel über Stalins Tochter in Wisconsin nicht lesen zu können, weil ich in Europa bin, mit einem status code, der auf Bücherverbrennungen anspielt. Gegenwart, du Spaßvogel.…

ojahnn Vertippt hatte ich mich, aber *so* vertippt nun auch wieder nicht
Atul_Gawande A 6 yr old Oregon boy whose parents refused vaccination got the first pediatric case of tetanus in the state in 30 years. Produced lockjaw requiring a tracheostomy and 5 wks on a ventilator. (And the parents still won’t give him any vaccinations.)…
perseveresther büro
der 90 ungelesene mails ort
nlpmattg This is a *really* impressive and insightful visualization. Really cool how you can aggregate feature visualizations over a large collection of images. Someone needs to do this with BERT. Backprop to the word vectors, do a nearest neighbor search, show phrase clouds in each cell.…