The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

March 21st, 2019

pnc my humble proposal for two new SQL keywords

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:53 PM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

wellformedness I've been thinking about the role arXiv plays in and how it contrasts with a vaguely similar website, @LingBuzz ( popular among (mostly formal) linguists.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:52 PM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

emergentsee I never realized how weird Noam Chomsky’s ears are until I started planning to make a papier mache replica of his head to house a single board computer and thermal printer that will spit out syntax trees from his mouth...

...don’t look at me in that tone of voice

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:50 PM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

wellformedness is there any generic guidance for making a pip-able that grabs non-Python dependencies and does the equivalent of “./configure && make install”? I know certain major packages do this but I can barely follow along with their approach.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:49 PM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

tallinzen I imagine the "And Nobody Is Talking About It" trend in clickbait headline is the result of meticulous A/B testing so I've decided to try it with my own papers, starting with

RNNs Implicitly Implement Tensor Product Representations And Nobody Is Talking About it


via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:44 PM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

ESGoLondon Get invulved! @vagina_museum…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:42 PM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

SchlimmeHelena Ich wünschte, die ganzen selbstgefälligen Herrschaften, die die streikende Jugend persönlich angreifen, würden sich auch nur eine kleine Scheibe von meinem Kind abschneiden. Ich versuche es gerade selber.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:49 AM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter Web App)

remcoknooi Please happy my students by questionnairing their study.
(All will be revealed.) 5-10 mins; L1 and L2 speakers of English.…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:42 AM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter for Android)

EnglishGibson schlau sein
1. to be smart/clever (by nature)
2. to be well informed (on a subject)

Examples of meaning 2:

– Wir sind nicht viel schlauer als vorher.
– We don’t know much more than we did before.

– sich schlau machen
– to get informed / to look into sth

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:35 AM, Mar 21st, 2019 via Twitter for Android)