jaybeware Here's the conclusion: the root cause is a system that creates billionaires…
peterdhintz 10 Jahre auf ein Auto warten müssen klingt doch vernünftig.
Grumpfdalm Ja ok aber wo ist der Seifenspender 😐
Oh, das ist deutlich. #Europawahl #WahlOMat @VoltEuropa
niais (If you're wondering, my choice is always not to raise my profile, because fundamentally I think we should do as much as we can to shift out of the framework of "Brilliant Hero Scientist Sitting Alone Thinks Brave New Thoughts") And yeah, that makes a great story, doesn't it?
niais Here's a core failing of the wikipedia "notability" criteria, as I understand it (and as it appears to be applied) - Science isn't about being famous. It isn't about getting someone to write an article about you. And honestly, the PR push frequently leads to issues.
ma_rodda I... If there's an award for fucking up your own fuck-ups, I think I've just earned it.
(I don't actually want to vaguetweet, so: remember the error in my scripts I mentioned yesterday? Turns out there's no error, we're fine, I'm just an idiot.)
perseveresther Probleme mit Telefonaten bewerfen
Thom_Wolf Today, the most promising candidates for high-entropy tasks decoders seem to be top-k & nucleus sampling
General principle: at each step, sample from the next-token distribution filtered to keep only the top-k tokens or the top tokens with cumulative prob above a threshold [8/9]
Thom_Wolf First, there was growing evidence that beam-search is highly sensitive to the length of the output. Best results are obtained when the output length is predicted from the input before decoding (, at EMNLP 2018) [4/9]
labenzticker Spas-Demensk, der : Eigenartige, nicht für jeden nachvollziehbare Ausprägung des zeitgenössischen Comedy-Genres. Findet dennoch Publikum, allerdings nur breites.
"Wo soll eigentlich Interpunktion hängen?" - "Irgendwo, wo sie nicht stört."
woelken Der zentrale Satz in Kevins Interview ist übrigens dieser: "Was unser Leben bestimmt, soll in der Hand der Gesellschaft sein und demokratisch von ihr bestimmt werden." Wer hat damit ein Problem? #Kuehnert
#SPD #Sozialismus
there_are_two_ @nsaphra @srchvrs @aryamccarthy The crowning achievement of my career was giving the wug test to 80 people in a pub.…
brendanzab I love the fact that our precious λ symbol (for function abstraction) arose due to a series of typographical errors:…
jwiechers This is an interesting turn of events.…
KeineAFD2017 Das hier sollte sich jeder anhören!
Das hier sollte sich aber auch die @BILD @welt @focusonline anschauen!
Es wird Zeit das wir ALLE die #Pressefreiheit in Deutschland verteidigen
koffieshop (für Cannabis)
café (für Bier)
MOOMANiBE step 1. buy site based almost entirely around queer art and fandom
step 2. ban adult art, causing a mass exodus
step 3. uhhhhh oops…
sciforfuture Antje Boetius zur CO2-Steuer: "Besser als über den Preis, kann man das nicht steuern. Es geht nicht um Symbole, sondern um Rettung." #scientists4future @maybritillner