Vilinthril Bei aller Kritik an beiden Projekten find ich's trotzdem symbolisch schön, dass DieM25 und Volt mit je einem MdEP vertreten sind.
davidschlangen Conference over. Very nice and instructive 3 days. One puzzle I’m left with is what the logo of Gothenburg University is meant to show. A person standing on a boat carrying a bicycle in front of the setting sun? #iwcs2019
"Sweden has provinces that don't have any political meaning. They're just there to give titles to stray royalty."
MatthijsWestera My slides here:… ; paper here:……
RT @_roryturnbull: This is a schwa
Now there are two of them
ə ə
There are two ___
MeaningBank Embedding spaces have not been treated fairly! Our colleagues at CLCG Groningen looked critically at the much cited analogy "party tricks". Check out their paper "Fair is Better than Sensational: Man is to Doctor as Woman is to Doctor":
evanmiltenburg Nice work by Matthijs Westera and Gemma Boleda: “Don’t blame distributional semantics it can’t do entailment” (IWCS 2019):…
The authors argue that DS provides a model of *expression meaning*, which differs from *speaker meaning* (where entailment resides).
perseveresther The main issue vastly outmattered all the side issues to us
labenzticker Schmarzmasser, der: Nicht zum Nieser führender Niesreiz.
ojahnn tfw on the last conf day finally a woman asks something in the Q&A after a talk but it's yourself so you're not sure if it counts
RT @rikvannoord: 6/7 This is not beneficial for dealing with the problem of actual biases in word embeddings. Moreover, these are usually n…
rikvannoord 5/7 (ii) then, the analogy task doesn't work that well (no "queen" for "man is to king as woman is to X", but "king") and (iii) analogy-based biases have often been overemphasized in the literature.
rikvannoord 1/7 Do word embeddings really say that man is to doctor as woman is to nurse? Apparently not. Check out this thread for a description of a short paper I co-wrote with Malvina Nissim and Rob van der Goot, available here: #NLProc #bias
ojahnn R-grams perform only slightly worse than standard tokenization on word embedding benchmarks. Word bias is a partial explanation for the lack in performance. Future work: Can we build embeddings directly on the grammar? Is it limited to text? Does it improve SoA models? #IWCS2019
ojahnn Putting "word" in scare quotes because treating everything between two spaces as one word breaks down quickly when you look at Mandarin or Finnish. #IWCS2019 R-grams are supposed to be more useful across languages with different morpheme-per-word densities.
ojahnn The best student paper at #IWCS2019 is being presented by Amaru Cuba Gyllensten. It sounds really cool! It's about creating R-grams, which are kind of between the "word" and character level, with the aim of getting more semantically meaningful reps. Paper:…
asayeed Gyllensten: evaluating word/character compromise embeddings like R-grams is hard with standard benchmarks because of word-basedness of the benchmarks.⬅️ Biased against non-word embeddings which may actually be better. #IWCS2019
asayeed The R-gram concept is an unsupervised way of finding an embeddings space that is more agnostic about the notion of "word" #IWCS2019 @iwcs2019
StigAbell Elton John wins the award for the best diary entry ever (quoted in today’s Observer).
“Woke up, watched Grandstand. Wrote Candle in the Wind. Went to London, bought Rolls-Royce. Ringo Starr came for dinner”.
Die obersten Ösen #Supergruppenname
niggi Für alle, die meinen, das Wahlergebnis in UK sei ein klares Votum für #Brexit:…
@ojahnn 😂😂😂😭😭😭
"aus irgendeinem Grund" 😂😂😂…
JeremyCliffe Le Pen: down on 2014
FPÖ: down on 2014
AfD: little higher than pre-surge 2014 result
Wilders: massive fall
Baudet: underperforms
Predictably, #EP2019 proving more complicated than "march of the populists" narrative.
FridayForFuture Wenn die Parteien in Deutschland nach der heutigen #Klimawahl jetzt endlich handeln wollen - hier eine Hilfe:
Für 2019:
Ende fossiler Subventionen
1/4 Kohlekraft abschalten
CO2-Abgabe, die Folgekosten entspricht
Nettonull 2035
Kohleausstieg bis 2030
100% Erneuerbare bis 2035
"Like the heraldic shields of ancient knights, these morphemes were painted onto the names of scientific technologies to proclaim one’s history and achievements to friends and enemies alike."…
Whack-a-Mole, aber als Kosmetikum