DeletedWiki Category: Fictional Toilets
EnglishGibson Got a sodding Fortbildung tomorrow. Gotta build a fort.
taffyakner Thanks to @NYTStyles for time-machining me back to the 90s to revisit The Rules and that crazy story my mom told me. The Rules would have been a great idea, if a) anyone who needed the Rules was capable of following them or b) feminism…
nsaphra I actually discovered object permanence in 1992, and do you have any idea how many people have failed to cite me on it since then???
peterbreuer „Warum hast Du Dir 35L1x4M40 tätowieren lassen?“
„Mülleimergröße, Kaffeefilter, Staubsaugerbeutel.“
Neuro_Skeptic Maybe the brain exists to give all the neurons in the head a sense of purpose and community.
tschfflr turn-around times, review quality & consistency, number of papers (and times we have to review them), negatives of extensive travel, ... all converge in my view.
tschfflr Prediction: we'll live to see our field come to a publication model that looks very similar to other fields (journal based) 🔥 #nlproc
bundesamtfvs 3 von 4 ist aber schon nicht schlecht.…
texttheater Fußlahm zurückfallen, stimmgewaltig aufschließen.