Rathaus-Galerie. Wo alle Träume (und diese Busfahrt) enden.
Been saying so all along: twitter.com/texttheater/st…
Wow. "Guido van Rossum stormed from the room during Q & A." twitter.com/ThePSF/status/…
BarbaraSommerer Ich frag zur Sicherheit nochmals nach:
Ist der jetzt e n d l i c h erreicht?
#Strache #Kurz #Ibizagate #Zib #zibspezial #Neuwahlen pic.twitter.com/SRsdeYOGLs
JimMFelton [turns on subtitles]
[turns off subtitles]
#Eurovision pic.twitter.com/ihu0Ti8UGD
astrodicticum Ha! Ein erster Favorit! San Marino singt darüber wie gut Natriumlampen bei astronomischen Beobachtungen sind: On a dark deserted way there’s a light for you that waits it’s na na na" Natriumlicht kann man super filtern: palomarskies.blogspot.com/2009/05/why-as…
#AstroESC #ESC2019
Grumpfdalm Peter Urban, der Béla Réthy unter den Johannes B. Kernern. #Eurovision
chaosprime the punishment for being interested in why people do things is finding out why people do things
That TNG episode where Worf's nilla friends throw him a kinky party <3 memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/The_Icaru…
"I think it is essential that we as academics emphasise to our students that ML is about solving problems, not getting the highest score" ehudreiter.com/2019/05/15/mis…
Grumpfdalm Magische Bühnenlesung "Flaubert zaubert"
TheStrangeLog The Pope is no longer likely to personally excommunicate you just because he slightly dislikes the look of your face
TheStrangeLog The Ham Bat now does less damage as it spoils.
TheStrangeLog Elbows should only bend in certain, expected, ways regardless of what T-Shirt you are wearing.
TheStrangeLog Animals are no longer denied the joy of eating flowers because they are categorized as a gift.
therogue_astro So, if you put a video with coati, or coatimundi, in reverse, you are in Jurassic Park. Who made this?!?! 🦕 pic.twitter.com/0DaScfVjt3
@ojahnn maybe 😎
If it's a Scottish cat it's spelled whiskr
kykel Ich will unbedingt die Sexfotos von Kurz sehen, die Strache in Aussicht gestellt hat.
VQuaschning 86% aller Deutschen und sogar 60% der AfD-Wähler haben verstanden, dass der jetzige #Klimawandel vom Menschen gemacht ist. Das Bewusstsein ist da. Nun müssen wir aber auch handeln! #FridaysForFuture #Scientists4Future #ParentsForFuture
rahmstorf Übrigens ist “verstärken” nicht der beste Ausdruck, da der Mensch den langsamen natürlichen Abkühlungstrend der letzten 5000 Jahre umgedreht und in 100 Jahren mehr als wettgemacht hat. scilogs.spektrum.de/klimalounge/pa…
janesolomon To answer your question, YES.
Lexicographers DO take screenshots of people looking up words in tv/film and then critique the defining style.
This is from the second season of @fleabag—a show I love, but the lexicography leaves something to be desired. pic.twitter.com/TN3ZaTgtdG
tubbsmcguire Very much enjoyed this poster in the loos of my local last night. pic.twitter.com/lNVARi3maP