Gefährliches Halbnachdenken
hier wird gerade die straße paniert äh tapeziert äh wie heißt das
ma_rodda This is exactly what just happened to me. Registered online, did not receive a polling card (but was too tired to query it), turned away at the polling station for not having filled out a form I didn't know existed. #DeniedMyVote indeed.…
sigridellis P.S.
I mute and block everyone who comes into my mentions with this approach. Go educate yourself, I'm not your debate monkey, and if you want a conversation learn some manners.
sigridellis Extremely cogent thread on the U.S. male stereotype conversational style and how it absolutely sucks on Twitter.
Aka, challenging someone to a duel of ideas is not a fucking conversation, dudes.…
polotek Taking the time to set context and frame conversations before diving in is a huge part of effective communication. More so, it gives the other person the opportunity to reframe the conversation or tell you they're not interested.
polotek Instead, ask yourself what it is that you actually want out of this exchange. Start by framing the conversation you want to have. Do you want them to help you understand their comments? Try saying that first. "I'm not sure I understand, would you be willing to expand on this?"
@spinfocl GitHub-Zeitstempel sind m.W. leicht zu fälschen, siehe etwa hier:…
labenzticker Bomlitz-Bommelsen, das: Unentwirrbares Knäuel, bestehend aus 4 weihnachtlichen Lichterketten, 2 Pfund Lametta und einem guten Liter Kerzenwachs.…
perseveresther what do you mean the tension was palpable. I for one did not palp anything, nor would I have palped if I'd had the opportunity
StefanMuelller 2/2 Gestern habe ich gelernt, dass da früher "Vorsicht Stuve" stand. StuVe = Studentenvertretung. Irgendwann muss ein/e Ahnungslose/r mit Sinn für Rechtschreibung das dann ersetzt haben. Und zwar an jeder einzelnen der ca. 20 Stufen. In Gold. Oder Messing #gründlich @LuSt_Referat
Ewww! Den politischen Gegner mit toxisch maskulinen Sprüchen dissen – kannste machen, aber dann biste halt scheiße.…
literalbanana great clarity on the functions & limitations of magic (without using the word)…
Smerity Google, like most other AI companies, pass off work to humans on their end (humans making the call) and then humans on the other end (humans at external companies receiving an automated call) to generate training data. Here's some major issues I have with it ...…
HarryS2hart 해리 멋내기중 🐤💕