TerribleMaps America is huge compared to other continents pic.twitter.com/mX7Qvu39ad
DeletedWiki Third desk from the left in the second row from the back of Room 302, Bogstandard Junior School, Hamlet, Somerset
emilymbender New blog post: On building flexible, inclusive graduate programs and why it matters link.medium.com/rZj7Qe7jyW
Fellow faculty members: What are you doing to build programs that respect students as whole people? What are the next steps we can take? #academictwitter
My tidy catching-up schedule #Grunn #Groningen #Wugtown pic.twitter.com/oU13jJcZcF
ojahnn I just suggested to him that we should nominate ourselves for the TEACHING AWARD 2019, so that we can pay our salaries with the prize money. uni-duesseldorf.de/home/studium-u…
ojahnn I taught an incredibly good Python class last semester with my friend @BBonhammer, and we've been asked a lot whether we'll teach it again. But our teaching contracts aren't being extended, so we'd be kind of working for free if we did.
Zersplitterte Geigen – Warum Zerstörung zur Kunst gehört #srf srf.ch/sendungen/kont…
MartinWinkler8 Heute morgen im Probenraum ein kleiner unangekündigter Psycho-Test.
PS: Ich hab der Versuchung standgehalten und das Klavier nicht zertrümmert. pic.twitter.com/sj9AqwSwml
DeletedWiki Category: Potentially Good Names For Heavy Metal Bands
3 of 5 stars to Alte weiße Männer by Sophie Passmann goodreads.com/review/show/27…
DeletedWiki Kevin the Kleptomatic and Ever So Slightly Flatulent Koala
DeletedWiki List of deaths by cello
nsaphra Time for the first real test of the FreeBSD Code of Conduct! I bought my first computer with my bat mitzvah money at 13 and installed a BSD (it was NetBSD, I was a VERY weird kid), so I just really want to convey my profound personal sense of what the actual fuck twitter.com/bsdphk/status/…
Grumpfdalm "Neu sei etwa, dass nun auch Ehegatten angehört werden müssen. Oder dass Personen, deren Antrag abgelehnt wurde, drei Jahre warten müssen, bis sie einen neuen Antrag stellen dürfen."
Möchte alles anzünden. twitter.com/laloeffelstiel…