brynguist Full confession: It's a stretch to say I learned 'ersatz' and 'prescind,' because I forget what they mean as soon as I'm done looking them up. Do not try to explain them to me. I have accepted that these words do not belong in my brain.
mikeduncan One of my lowkey favorite things about France is the way retail employees are not expected to even pretend like they GAF. Service isn't even *bad* necessarily, they just don't have to put on some smiley ass clown show while they do the job. It's heaven.
random_walker Fun fact: sorting an array using "Math.random() - 0.5" as the comparison function doesn't produce a random shuffle.
This exact bug led Microsoft to favor Chrome in its UI for choosing a browser in response to EU antitrust investigations back in 2010 😲……
wellformedness Take: stop multiplying your f-scores and WERs by 100. There’s no good reason and they’re not probabilities anyways.
GabrielBerlin Kopfhörer nur noch Hirnschoner nennen, keiner flippt aus, denn genau darum existieren sie.
Edward Scissorwhiskers
kathrinpassig "Wir kommen auf Gleis 13 an, der Ersatzzug wartet auf Gleis 12, das ist planmäßig gegenüber", schade, ich wäre so gern dabei gewesen, wenn es heißt "Gleis 12, das ist heute außerplanmäßig zwischen Gleis 9 und 10". @BahnAnsagen