Buddenbohm Wusste heute zwischendurch nichts mit mir anzufangen und habe dann auch nichts mit mir angefangen. Geht auch.
hllizi New online category "in other lies" for those who like it really dirty. twitter.com/ezraklein/stat…
ezraklein The media is better than it used to be (though not perfect) at avoiding both-sidesism. What we haven't caught up to is that negative coverage can actually strengthen populist demagogues, so long as it lets them control the conversation.
wellformedness One of the biggest opportunities for #GreenAI would be good general-purpose guidelines covering:
* which neural network optimization methods are best,
* what default learning rate (and other hyperparams) is likely to work reasonably well in general.
fmailhot the movie was entertaining, but pandered to ppl who disliked the previous one
@BuckRivera @EnglishGibson If that's all you're saying then I don't disagree.
perseveresther neues motto "falsche richtung, aber immerhin"
@BuckRivera @EnglishGibson My point is that masculine nouns, even if intended as generic, are not always that easily so interpreted. It's thus plausible that their use can contribute to reinforcing stereotypes. For an especially pertinent study, see researchgate.net/publication/23…
random_walker Tech platform companies subvert democratic processes in many ways. Here’s an insidious one that hasn’t gotten much attention: using the power and reach of the platform to misinform users or workers into campaigning to block proposed regulation, often against their self interest.
Advanced Techniques for Krieging the Spülmaschine Voll
VerbingNouns Ah, yes! *This* is the purpose of assessment! Not to quantify or rank the student, but to identify gaps in understanding *in order to fill them*. Assessment is crucial for learning... for the instructor to react to and adapt to. Marks / grades are otherwise meaningless. twitter.com/suzyjstyles/st…
@BuckRivera @EnglishGibson He states that grammatical gender has nothing to do with sex *in the case of nouns that refer to sexless objects*, but that there is a clear correlation for nouns referring to people.
@BuckRivera @EnglishGibson It's not that simple, see e.g. sprachlog.de/2015/06/09/ges…
BBC News - Netherlands drops 'Holland' in rebranding move bbc.com/news/blogs-new…
zeitweise Wie passt man den richtigen Moment ab zwischen „Hahaha, sind Sie irre? Die Praxis ist eh schon voll! Mit so einem Quatsch kommen sie an einem Brückentag zu uns?“ und „Tja, wären sie mal früher gekommen, schade um ihren Finger, aber sie haben ja noch neun.“