arnoxcao Man kann offenbar leider nur wahlweise für immer ausschließlich Gemüse essen oder täglich eine Schweinehälfte
vagina_museum ask not for whom the vulva train comes, it comes for thee…
vonneudeck From experience with populists and conspiracy believers:
You have to do the hard labour and think the thought through with them. Step by step. At their speed. Exhausting.
Usually they long for analysis. But they need help and nobody thinks they are worth their time and nerves.…
RobotHugsComic hey twitter - there's a lot of good awareness now about the fact that all users can add image descriptions to twitter for people who use screen readers. Here's some tips on how to do this well:
(This is my job)
Dunkelmagier me appreciation tweet
FTHopf TIL that the chairs of #ICMR2020 ( go the extra mile to ensure that the conference is carbon neutral by planting new trees to compensate for the CO2 emissions of travellers to the conference. Thx @cathal, @norikokando, and @bthj for this great initiative.
skeptikantin Der Begründungsabteilung ist offenbar alles egal.
random_walker A steady drumbeat of you-have-no-privacy articles leads to learned helplessness among the public. There’s nothing much to learn from it except “tech = bad”. Some users will cut back on all tech while most will resign themselves. It also incentivizes companies to be less upfront.
random_walker With heightened public concern about online privacy, journalists are finding that privacy exposés drive clicks. Raising awareness is great, but nuance is lost in the race to create outrage. Simple bugs are being lumped in with rapacious efforts to profit from our personal lives.
zeitweise Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass Gewinnmaximierung ein ziemlich doofes Konzernziel ist so wie Flüssigkeitsmaximierung bei einer Tasse Kaffee.
perseveresther it's very difficult, and by difficult I mean that it's not magically working out all by itself
durst Heute war ein DEALBREAKER (Massivholz) im Adventskalender <3
perseveresther after some extremely mild soul-searching, I have come to the conclusion that who cares