The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

September 15th, 2022

GabrielBerlin Und in der Kategorie „Beste Kategorie“ gewinnt die Kategorie „Einleuchtendste Selbstbezüglichkeit in einer Kategorie“! Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:34 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

ClaireMax I think everyone should have the right to choose their own name. You should be allowed one free legal name change in your life. Doesn’t matter if you’re cis or trans; some of our parents chose absolutely garbage names for us and we deserve to be able to self-identify.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 11:33 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

jzux “this meeting could have been an email” yeah but look on the bright side, this meeting also could have been a musical

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:33 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

spinfocl Ui, Urteil zur bekomme ich ja jetzt erst mit. Was mich darüber nachdenken lässt, ob ich gerade prokrastinierend arbeite oder in meiner Freizeitpause im Büro einen Tweet schreibe.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:16 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

kochkunstRecook Saurer Linseneintopf: Zutaten 500 g Zucker 1 Prise Salz Zitronenglasur: 300 g Birnen; 1000 g Frittierfett 500 g Mehl 0,5 l weißer Wein 1 Msp.

via Brod und Spiele (retweeted on 5:23 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

runarorama Altruism stops for a child crossing the road.

Effective Altruism keeps going so as not to delay the hundreds of people in traffic behind.

"Longtermism" swerves to hit the child so no one will ever again be delayed by them or their descendants.

Hope that helps.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 4:11 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

giardino warum heißt es Softwarebug und nicht Applaus

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 4:07 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

ScHuehnerkrisp "ich muß das Wort nicht korrigieren, ich werde auch später noch wissen, was mit der Notiz gemeint war"

Notiz später:

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:06 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

SorayaMcDonald This is a perfect example of a costuming habit which drives me nuts: disregarding drape and fit in favor of contemporary tailoring.

Look where the shoulder seams are.

Women's clothing used to be MUCH boxier and fit bigger, and period projects of this era rarely reflect it.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:00 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

zirkuspony sehe heut aus wie ein business goth vom sarg ins meeting und zurück howdy fuckers könnt ihr ein bisschen den bildschirm dimmen

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 3:58 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

Grumpfdalm @GabrielBerlin Warum heißt es Power Nap und nicht Turbidoesel

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:56 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)


We need diverse representation not *only* so every kid can see themselves as the hero of the story, but also so that every kid can understand that *other* kinds of kids are *also* the heroes of the story.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:56 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

Es gibt da ein paar Tabs, die ich bald endlich schließen kann 😊

via Twitter Web App

bigmikstake i dont smoke but im an ally (carry a lighter)

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:10 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

AlbinMeyerCH Das Märchen vom "Trainieren" des Immunsystems geht wieder um. Man solle sich ohne Masken den Viren aussetzen.

Kann man das Verdauungssystem auch trainieren, mit viel ungesundem Essen? Die Leber mit übermässigem Alkoholkonsum? Und die Augen, indem man direkt in die Sonne schaut?

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:52 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

Shufflersunite The cat who was completely obsessed with my bump when I was pregnant is quite uninterested in the baby now that she's out. It's a weird way to find out that my cat is a Republican.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:51 PM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

derwahremawa Römer Rülpser

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:27 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

anna_pryslopska Long-term data storage team misplaced my data after 2 years.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:26 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

labenzticker Bremsburg, die: Häufige Unfallstelle, verursacht durch Abbremsen vor einem fest installierten Blitzgerät.

via Labenzticker (retweeted on 11:24 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

ADFC_xhain Momentan wird ja mit Trennelementen für geschützte Radfahrstreifen ganz schön experimentiert. Wir arbeiten deshalb gerade an einer Bewertung (Sicherheit, Haltbarkeit, Ästhetik, usw.). Hinweise, was jeweils gut oder schlecht ist, sind willkommen: Hier kommen die Beispiele:

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:58 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

jonmummolo court transcripts of lawyers questioning experts about statistical concepts is a highly underrated genre

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:54 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

ProfKinyon Trying out a more formal style of writing proofs, let me know what you think

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:53 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

Russ. Dnjepr
Dt. Dennjepper

via Twitter for Android

emilymbender "Success draws critics", uh nope. I'm not in this conversation because of whatever success deep learning has had. I'm in it because of the unfounded and the harms being carried out in the name of so-called "AI".


via TweetDeck (retweeted on 4:31 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

sdw I don’t think any other company has made an interface where the UI background sticks to type and causes ripples when it drops. This is just so fun and cool.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:00 AM, Sep 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)