The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

September 20th, 2022

unterterz hatte mich schon auf den weltkinotag heute gefreut aber es geht wieder mal nur um die thüringer kinder der welt 👎

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:50 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

kmjgardiner I don't know who made this, but I saw it on here, laughed a lot, saved it, printed it out and stuck it above my computer, and have since spent all my time ignoring its very sensible advice.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:49 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

gavinmuellerphd It's called "aufheben," Ton. It means "cancel" but like it also means "preserve." This guy Hegel said it does both at the same time after he saw Napoleon. Turns out if you do it now, you get to communism. Fucked up if you ask me

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:48 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

nilu_minati wie findet ihr diese katze sorry sie haut ab

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:46 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

LinguistAiT I made this for my semantics lecture today💀💀💀 We’re talking about regularities/irregularities and compositional/non-compositional meaning in language so we’re playing the game of “how confused would a Martian be”, it’s giving @nathanwpyle Strange Planet vibes

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:43 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

nichtschubsen Angst vorm Zahnarzt, weil er Fragen stellt, die die Sinnlosigkeit meiner Arbeit offenbaren und meine schrecklichen Prioritäten entblößen.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:38 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

nichtschubsen Soll ich mal aufzählen, was alles scheisse in Kanada ist, weil ihr habt in Europa zu romantische Vorstellungen

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:28 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

EwdatsGROSS Living in the south is wild because someone could say “I’ll bring a salad” and you have no idea if they’re bringing vegetables or a mayonnaise based monstrosity

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:25 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

plt_amy tweeting is fun because. okay well:
- venting about things; always good for the soul
- other mathematicians on here treat me like a colleague and not like a kid
- twitter is to language as code golf is to code: i agreed to these stupid constraints and I'm gonna meet them, damn it

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:27 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

karlklatsch Heute ist beim lüften im Klassenzimmer einfach eine riesige Nosferatu-Spinne reingeklettert und hat den Thomas gepackt und mitgenommen

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:09 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

brellavis sometimes you leave your office and you come back and find your cat leading a discussion in your discord

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:07 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

pajowu Wie kann die Sexwelle organisatorisch erfasst werden?

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:16 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

Werde heute noch ausgewählte Themen mit COTFROG diskutieren

via Twitter for Android

DrClaireH ✨pragmatics✨

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:21 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

CaucasianJames not really sure how trampoline parks survived the pandemic but i’m inspired nonetheless

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:21 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

ibogost Did they … blur the fire hydrant’s nipples?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:19 PM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

MNateShyamalan the queen’s funeral procession has reached the sonic adventure 2 battle radical highway loop

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:47 AM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

@katzundgoldt Wie im übrigen auch die meisten anderen Jazz auch.

via Twitter Web App in reply to katzundgoldt

Möltan Wopke Wihring

via Twitter Web App

moyix If you see someone adding a space after URLs before the punctuation, be kind to them. They have deep-seated trust issues stemming from 2000s-era forum software.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:38 AM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

Wort des Tages: Schwarzmeerhefen

via Twitter for Android

saahirshafi Before a PhD: I don’t know.

After a PhD: That is outside the scope of my current knowledge.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:50 AM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

Tdr1nka This has got to be the Twitter exchange of the day.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:47 AM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

isabelleboemeke the idea that nuclear power is bad is costing us our future, and it’s time to let go of it.

my @TEDTalks is now live! please watch and share, i’d love to hear your thoughts 💕

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:44 AM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

freiheitsrechte Gemeinsam für das Recht auf ein selbstbestimmtes Liebesleben! Wir gehen mit Offizierin @AnaBiefang nach Karlsruhe. Sie wurde von der @bundeswehrInfo für ihr privates Datingprofil sanktioniert. Für die Verfassungsbeschwerde brauchen wir Eure Unterstützung!👉…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:28 AM, Sep 20th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

40% done with Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace…

via Goodreads