Merkwürdige Angewohnheit mancher Leute, sich bei der Person vor ihnen für das Auflegen eines Warentrenners zu bedanken.
vpostrel A Job at Amazon Isn't for Everybody Smart piece by @foxjust. There is no one best way, folks. People are different.
niggi Springer-Mann wirft mir "Pseudo-Gutmenschentum" vor. Weiß jemand, ob das schlimmer ist als "Gutmenschentum" oder weniger schlimm?
hllizi Der Schlüssel zum Verständnis des IS ist nicht der Koran sondern "Fight Club".
rinipampini_ 'Es wird Tote geben.' - Ein Rechtschreibfehler, der dazu führte, dass damals niemand zu meinem 8.Geburtstag gekommen ist.
brycedoe If you liked DYSTOPIAN FICTION, you might like DYSTOPIAN NONFICTION. We suggest TODAY'S NEWSPAPER.
j_kloiber I highly recommend to watch this #cccamp15 talk on undercover surveillance of social movements…
fabikde Da klickt man sich nichtsahnend durch @ndaktuell-Fotostrecke und stößt plötzlich auf beste Bildunterschrift ever
ChPietsch Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm unzensiert im Netz? Denkt denn niemand an die Kinder?…
Scroll down to "It’s about whom you follow" for a wonderful description of how Twitter works, for me, as well.…
fresskoma Die Ironie.…
“If smartphone Aleks walks through this door, he will kill independent Aleks."…
polotek The first few times this happened, I didn't understand what was happening. I felt a vague unease, but didn't know how to stop it.
polotek What's worse is I was often asked to pass judgment on these folks. To acknowledge they weren't as good as me and that was somehow a problem.
polotek I watched other PoC come under unwarranted scrutiny, while white colleagues fucked up constantly and nobody batted an eye.
polotek Yep. Especially early in my career. It was obvious that other black ppl were being compared against me and I "won".…
pmddomingos A much smarter thing to do than raising minimum wages: more goes to poor; makes humans more competitive w/ machines.…