Nachtvogel So oft, wie die Moldau bei @klassik_radio läuft, hat sie mittlerweile eine Länge von 24923 km und mündet in den Pazifik.
amyquispe "Why would you do all those drugs at once? Isn't it hard to tell what effects are from which?"
"I've done a lot of the different subsets."
fchollet Don't devote your energy to making tiny improvements to the idea framework you inherited from your thesis advisor. Use your own imagination.
RicardoHarvin @AliceDreger @anamariecox @NPR Exactly, Big Pharma provides the gateway drugs driving most of today's heroin addictions.
bmeeder I'm excited to see the fruits of research @duolingo: !
Ich mäh die Tiere "stille wasser sind grausam"… #lustiges #feedly
Kittypunk15 Saudi-Arabien wirft gerade deutsche Waffen auf den Jemen ab. 1 mio. Menschen sind auf der Flucht. So wird das nichts.
labenzticker minden (V.): Probleme durch bloßes Nachdenken „lösen“ und es damit gut sein lassen. Literarische Beispiele: Mycroft …
La_Kritz - ...
- Wolltest du was sagen?
- Ja, aber ich wusste noch nicht, was.
- Ah.
- Mhm.
feministy Laptop sticker I was given as a gift from a friend 😊! I love itttttt
AliceDreger The 7-year-old daughter of the colleagues who put me up on Wednesday told her parents today, "Alice was great while she lasted."
j_kloiber Starting a photo series: 'AFK - Abandoned home offices' (tbc)
Lollardfish .@wagesofwins @ShaunnaPsyched Anti-laptop agenda ends up being very ableist. Read this:……
AliceDreger Every job resignation in my life has led to a better life. But every one has also been this hard.