Suggestive Verpixelung auf dem Cover,
erinnert an #Varoufake.…
Es wird dringend empfohlen, unmittelbar vor Prüfung Ihres Antrages auf Haftaussetzung die Richter/innen zu füttern.
existentialcoms An existentialist is someone whose angst doesn't die down when they start getting laid on a regular basis.
dnklgr legal - illegal - scheißegal / haram - halal - helau
nichtschubsen Man lärmt nie aus.
AliceDreger When you do a skype interview from your writing cottage and forget there are conjoined twins in the background.
sixtus Namenstickets, wie sie im Thalys obligatorisch sind, haben schließlich verhindert, dass ein bewaffneter Terrorist damit fährt. Oh, Moment...
chris__martin "Dynamic typing": The belief that you can't explain to a computer why your code works, but you can keep track of it all in your head.
pahlkadot Thor's other tools.
Make it count. Let's think of a crime worth committing...…
drlangtry_girl Hedgehog jazz. Featuring an actual hedgehog. Because...well, who needs a reason? | via @MatofKilburnia
Starting Galileo's Middle Finger, by Alice Dreger: "Science and social justice require eac...…