_tessr twitter dot com, where people think they're brands and brands think they're people
"Just invented a complicated device for transporting loads smoothly." - "Why don't you just use wheels?" - "Not my area of expertise."
Mach das Yak nackt!
People telling others on Stackoverflow to RTFM. The irony!
Greyscale sky pic.twitter.com/lsxjppoFYN
"The “rational” mindset is how we end up with overharvesting, water or food shortages, pollution, climate change,etc" qz.com/489083/what-i-…
plomlompom 'a habit when I drop into apps like Slack, or start a long DM conversation on Twitter, or whatnot. I say “Hello future Pastebin readers!”'
Stonehippo “Over time, all data approaches deleted, or public.” @quinnnorton's Law. Fundamental to the future, hard to accept. medium.com/message/hello-…
DrJenGunter @doryowen @AliceDreger what about a sex position mug for morning coffee? pic.twitter.com/Dbh74EkNrQ
nine9ths Techdel test: In meetings at your tech company, two women talk, not about management or HR, without being mansplained.
morehead_sarah And you thought there was no way "Buddhism" was like other religions... fb.me/2mfHyrjPt
stporombka Es hilft natürlich schon, wenn man ein paar gute Bücher gelesen hat, um den Flüchtlingen auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen. pic.twitter.com/gflmWoCInQ
ichliebetrash "Du MUSST das verstehen!"
"Ich KANN nicht, ich bin dumm!"
"🆗." ~wird klug~ ~versteht es~
Ähähähä, der Kleine, hähä, nein, das ist nicht Nikolausi, das ist Ésterhazy!
andrewtraviss Having a baby has really driven home how terrible it is when several issues result in the same error message
medskep On numbers being gamed, people can't keep their own score - @EdwardTufte pic.twitter.com/Ps9j1NoBIP Read this carefully and often
"pursuit of evidence is the most important moral imperative of our day" twitter.com/AliceDreger/st…