Word of the day: downpurr
Aus Versehen die unbedruckten Rückseiten mehrerer Blätter gescannt und mir gemailt. Drucke ich dann aus, wenn ich mal Schmierpapier brauche.
Die Ansprüche eilen den Möglichkeiten voraus.
SimonHurtz Mal wieder die wichtigste @saschalobo-Kolumne seit immer. Diesmal wirklich: spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/w… pic.twitter.com/StfcncSkLL
CharDoucette Puritanical values have no place anywhere in 2015, let alone in a university. #NorthwesternNeedsToGetLaid @AliceDreger
sven_giegold TTIP-Transparenz im Praxistest: Der "veröffentlichte" Brief d. Tabaklobby an d. EU-Kommission. corporateeurope.org/international-… pic.twitter.com/yPkWNjR3Ae
ahoi_polloi Wir sind die Generation, die ihren Eltern die Software installieren musste und ihren Kindern erklären wird, was Installationen waren.
skeletonlungs my sister posted this on her facebook & i am stunned at how true it is pic.twitter.com/nVcv8fEdYl
ladydreamspeed Censorship and prudish behavior never did anyone any good. @AliceDreger #NorthwesternNeedsToGetLaid
SoVeryBritish Being unable to reassure someone that they're on the right train without adding "at least I hope so!"
AliceDreger Colleague: Now you'll never be hired by a university admin interested in being able to control the faculty.
Me: Right. What's the downside?
economeager Once again I have cleverly protected myself against all stock market losses by having no assets.
AliceDreger Chicago Tonight wants me on tonight. I don't have the energy to drive 4 hours. Auditioning for a fake me. Send pix of your middle fingers.
yoavgo #acl2015 ok. we really need to get over the "we trivially apply Neural Net/RNN to task X and gain a few points" stage. It is supper boring.
Sometimes things really are simple. twitter.com/ezraklein/stat…
AliceDreger Truth: I thought about explicitly warning my admin all this terrible press would happen, but was afraid they'd fire me for 'making threats.'
nodrama_de Sind Menschen die Onionrouter für KiPo nutzen eigentlich "Torpedos"?
frachtschaden Es gibt Sachen. pic.twitter.com/buk9sJbY7P
CountCarbon Imagine Europe had banned the internet, citing precuationary principle twaddle, while US went on with it. This is what is happening with GM.
CountCarbon "Behold the 97% consensus on climate change". "There is no consensus on GM safety". This cannot go on.
CountCarbon Feels as if we are at a fork in the road. Greens berate politicians for ignoring science on climate, but praise them for doing it on GM.
plomlompom "Das stimmt zwar nicht, doch wenn's so wär, dann wär das Leben halb so schwer!"
AliceDreger The kid, chuckling:You've pissed off the school superintendent and your dean.
Me: I don't have a problem with authority, just bad authority.
HackerHuntress I don't like the term "human resources," either. "Meat widgets" is so much more vivid.
ennomane What could possibly go wrong? #lasttweets
ennomane "Nach einer verkürzten Ausbildungszeit von etwa einem Vierteljahr (…) in den Polizeidienst eingestellt und hoheitlich tätig werden."
frachtschaden Eines meiner ersten Wörter war „Mitgoba“. Das sollte Schmetterling heißen. Gerade kam einer in die Wohnung. pic.twitter.com/r5LPxRxSDS
YtakSnikpoh Interested in #mentalhealth, like theatre? Love Edward Blank by @FamiliaDeLaNoch at #edfringe2015. An excellent portrayal of #psychosis.
edomblog In der Flüchtlingsdebatte reagieren #Merkel wie #Gauck ausweichend, appellieren nur an guten Willen, die Gesinnung. Bevölkerung spürt das.
@ojahnn Habe das mal ganz frech der Antonymsammlung der GSV einverleibt. :) verben.texttheater.net/index.php?titl…
"trees have started growing fake cell phone tower attachments and shiny gray bark" xkcd.com/1569/ #lustiges #feedly
"Redewendungen, die es zum Glück nicht gibt" ist auch so eine unterexplorierte Kunstform. titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2015/… #lustiges #feedly
Read the English writing language scientists say is unique because it users EYES more than ears dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ar…
frachtschaden Ich habe 2 Schrott im Rucksack.
@abnor_malik Ui, Kringel! Tierchen gefällt! ^^
Gerade gelernt: "Nonmention" heißt auf Englisch "subtweet".
bmaygers If I were a garage band in Evanston, I'd name myself Alice Dreger's Middle Finger. Just sayin. huff.to/1Px1r0N
AliceDreger The mate: 'It's good you resigned over a blowjob because it's something you really care about.'
If Programming Languages Were Harry Potter Characters heeris.id.au/2014/if-progra…
"A sizable minority of them are interested in learning (...), even if they are also (...) on Facebook." #wat