gegenfrage wie sollte der lichtschalter in einer altbauwohnung NICHT mit der wasserleitung gekoppelt sein
What a plot twist…
RadicalAIPod NEW EP: Linguistics, NLP, Power, Education, Ethics and so much more with one of our favorite people and scholars Dr. Emily Bender @emilymbender - Please RT, listen, and share with your communities!…
BuckRivera Ich hasse das, wenn ich mir so ein epochales Sandwich zubereite, dass es Zeusens Neid erregt und er herabsteigt, um es zu verführen.
ChristophStoltz Immerhin ist #Russland #Putin schneller wieder los, als #Deutschland die #Kohle
der praktische Begleiter für alle Lebenslügen
bewitchedmind "Das Logo sei „zunehmend unpraktisch“ geworden und habe „von Zeit zu Zeit zu Missverständnissen“ geführt."…
spinfocl Das wäre das erste #covid19-Superspreading-Event im Freien überhaupt. Da würde ich gerne mehr Einzelheiten zu wissen.…

Bleeptrack I got food delivered by a robot today. I'm very happy. 🤖
bitte nicht einstauben
vnfrombucharest Related: how are research groups handling regular scheduled events during online conferences? If we're not careful, we may end up with a 10pm Q&A followed by the regular 10am group meeting.
Don't put the pressure on students to have to say "I can't do both", cancel proactively!…
RichterHedwig Foucault my love…
the paper should be allow an easy reading…

SteffenBartz „Jungs, wer von uns sagt ihr, dass sie es nochmal vier Jahre lang machen muss?“
LinguaCelta I have just discovered that Welsh has the term "ieithgi" (literally "language dog"); an insulting term for a person whose main interest is in the study of language rather than literature. BRB, changing my Twitter bio.
yoavgo indeed. this is a big issue, and i've certainly observed it in my work as well.
currently, only NLP people can build NLP systems. but we don't want to, because the incentive structure is all against it.
possible ways forward:
1/ change incentive structure
2/ democratize NLP…
_inesmontani @yoavgo I think an important aspect here is that research (rightly) focuses on what generalises, while a lot of the most valuable aspects of "real world" and industry problems are the ones that are very *specific*. They're often not solved by just throwing some large model at them.
GabrielBerlin Wie findet ihr niedliches brutales Rollenspiel WARHAMSTER
LstSaar Great success for Language Technology in Saarbrücken:
DFKI launches the official machine translation system of the German Presidency of the EU Council.
Try it at…
ojahnn it's being angry that "softconf" is the same thing as "START" time
eveningoflight So, what's up?
I've been giving myself complete freedom to do whatever the fuck I 'want', which results in:
-being depressed
-listening to a fuckton of great music
-making nsfw stuff on alt*
-offline DJ practice
-making a bit of music slowly
CodepointsNet Today in the series “text is hard”:…
Comparing how different devices display the SSID "á̶̛̛̓̿̈͐͆̐̇̒̑̈́͘͝aaa"
by @herohamp_
tesseralis I'm not sure how I feel about this regex-in-js trend. I prefer putting my regexes in individual .re files. Separation of concerns and all.

1scottishbanter Cut yer own grass