maggiekb1 If I could actually cancel one thing it would be the idea that we ought to have calm, dispassionate discussions of demonstrateably cruel ideas.
emilymbender More bluntly: I see no value in supporting the ability of researchers to get things out quickly, and certainly don't want to bend over backwards for that. If it means that a large group of ML researchers abandon ACL, tant pis.
random_walker You've probably seen recommendation inflation. What's happened in response is even worse. Since no one trusts anything in letters anymore in the U.S., a good letter has to be long. Length is a costly signal of how much the letter writer cares about the candidate. 🤦
EmmaSManning Does anyone happen to have kids stuck at home this summer/fall who would be interested in learning some linguistics?
I would normally be teaching it to teens at summer camp, but since that's not happening I'm wondering if I can do something from afar...
derwahremawa Wer nannte es Liebeslied und nicht Beziehungsweise
DebAmlen This put a big smile on my face this morning.
I might not be able to travel, but I can enjoy the view from windows all over the world. And you can keep refreshing to see other's views.
StefanMuelller Thesis 1: Latex typesetting is like twitter. You do something, wait for a while and check the result. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. #Dopamin
agitpopblog Plottwist: Drosten in der Urlaubspause ohne Abstand und Maske am Ballermann.
freezydorito do you want to have CLIPPY in VS CODE? of course _you_ don’t – but what you wanna do is install this in your colleagues unlocked computers while they are washing their hands?? Yes yes you do.…
"Die Herzlosigkeit dieser Argumentation, die Verweigerung von Einfühlung verraten, was dahintersteckt: ein Machtkampf."…
nodrama_de Prognose: Die nächsten Datenschutzabkommen mit USA werden noch klangvollere Namen erhalten: 1) Safe Harbour, 2) Privacy Shield, 3) Cloud Warrior, 4) Data Liberator, 5) Freedomination Act
GabrielBerlin Es gibt sie noch, die guten Dinge.
@jbinnewitt Gute Frage! Irgendwelche abstrakten Kunstblumen, vermute ich.
hier bitte kein koroner
Schplock @ojahnn If your friends are anything like mine, a shared whiteboard for drawing creates much of what you're missing (no dancing and hugging though).
@mwotton Fair point. (You don't have to deal with Python packaging with Produce though.)
Was mich an Deutschland stört, ist, dass es in Städten pro Häuserblock und Straßenseite manchmal nur EINE Apotheke gibt. 🙄
@mwotton Of course, but at some point you have to ask yourself if that convenience is worth the pain of Make.
@derwahremawa Ich fänd's großartig, wenn auch aus dieser Serie ein Buch würde. /cc @krautreporter
@mwotton *shameless plug* Use Produce. Arbitrary patterns and substitutions using Python.…
rustlang It was a really tough decision, but the lang team did the work 💪…
nilsreiter Nach großen Erfolg wieder im Angebot: Das #CRETA-Coaching: Individuelle Beratung zu Deinen Operationalisierungsproblemen! #dh #operationalisierung
random_walker Well, one thing is for sure in academia—when someone tries to go deep on a topic, someone else will go even deeper.
I've just been informed of this paper with 224 citations just on the topic of iron and spinach, half of which are from the 19th century 🤯…