AOC A man whose entire life was built on a rich blend of daddy’s money and financial fraud accuses me, daughter of a house cleaner who won multiple elections to Congress by the age of 30, of not having talent. 🤣
You can tell from his delivery that even HE doesn’t believe it. 😂…
hllizi Poste das mal anlaßlos, weil etwas so perfektes nicht in Vergessenheit geraten darf.
random_walker This is the only paper I've ever read in which I was *pleasantly* surprised to realize at the end that the abstract intentionally misrepresented the findings.
random_walker This paper is a gem. The bulk of it is about academic citation practices, yet it reads like a page-turning mystery. With a twist in the tail!…
If the crudest of errors can persist indefinitely, what does it mean for the theory that science self-corrects?
Doerthe_Blue Kürzlich: Kleine Grillrunde im Garten. Rufe Kumpel an und frage, ob er Rosmarin mitbringen kann. Kumpel kommt, drückt mir Gras in die Hand: Hier, dein Rosmarin *zwinker zwonker
Kumpel: Shit, du wolltest wirklich Rosmarin, ne.
Älter werden ist übel.
zapfen sie den glanz unserer brand an
yasminecmbarek Was für eine Seite 1! @caaaarolina @BoekJulia 🥂
KidsWriteJokes How do you cook an elephant?
You don't, leave it alone please.
tartikovsky coworker used "anyway" as an email sign-off instead of "best" or "warmly" or w/e and honestly that's the only work mood left
fbanaszak Nein. Da hat Winfried #Kretschmann leider Unrecht. Die Antwort auf die Frage, *ob* jemand „einen Migrationshintergrund hat“, bringt für die Aufklärung und Präventivkonzepte genau null. Nicht mal, zu wissen, *welchen* Migrationshintergrund, würde was aussagen.…
derwahremawa Seid dabei, wenn wir Magensaftresistente weichkapseln!
It delights me too that Twitter finally made quote tweets discoverable…
StanCarey The Danish word for a mullet is "bundesligahår", which means German football league hair.…
@derwahremawa Erinnert mich an…
die Fressetaste am Handy
peterbreuer Neue Funktion auf meinem Smartphone: Langen persönlichen Zahlencode einer Person eintippen, Hörer-Emoji drücken und Sprachis in Echtzeit übertragen.
@ojahnn womöglich
ich bin umzugt
HannavonKaese Vielleicht können wir dne Wettbewerbsfähig verbessern, wenn wir alle deutschen Mittelgebirge zusammenlegen? Stichwort das regelt der Markt
@fdp_nds @fdp_nrw @FDPHessen @fdp_thueringen
markus_schlegel Deutsche Stadtmusikanten
mwotton me, sowing a Makefile full of complicated tricks: haha fuck yeah!!! yes!!
me, reaping a Makefile full of complicated tricks: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
markus_schlegel Ab 1. Juli endlich wieder mit 1 Million (ab 1.8. sogar 1 Milliarde) Menschen in geschlossenen Räumen abhängen geil
henscheck Ein Kleinkind: *sitzt im Einkaufswagen*
Ich, Konsumkritiker: "Der Mensch wird zur Ware."
jesseltaylor The Auschwitz Memorial isn’t a statue of Hitler on a horse, my dude…
markus_schlegel Garbage collection provides the illusion of infinite heap space. TCO provides the illusion of infinite call stacks, laziness provides the illusion of infinite data structures. What are some of your favourite illusions of infinity?
markus_schlegel Unpopular CSS opinion: margin und oft auch padding sind eigentlich immer falsch. Abstände gehören nicht zu Elementen. Abstände passieren zwischen Elementen. Es macht 0 Sinn, einem Element einen Abstand zuzuschreiben. Das widerspricht sämtlichen Erkenntnissen der Seinsforschung.
ojahnn Come work with my supervisor! She's an incredible boss, the project this position is in sounds super exciting, and I love having interesting postdoc coworkers! Full text of this job ad found on the corpora list. #nlproc #ICML2020
The Pequod has boats out to pull in
THE WHALE. AHAB is perched atop
the mighty floating carcass, beaming
triumphantly and waving to his men.
Let’s get kraken!
GabrielBerlin Handele auch Du Dich nicht um einzelne schwarze Schafe!
Scholars_Stage I am going to try and describe something people in my mentions with <1k followers often don’t realize about the twitter experience for people with 10k>.
Scholars_Stage So if you have a large follower account twitter is mostly experienced like this: you share a thought optimized for group x. Members of group y,z, and v automatically start sharing it as the textbook example of why group x deserves crucifixion.
Scholars_Stage This already makes things difficult. But as you grow in followers count you start to see more and more people follow you because they think of you as a representative of a certain kind of thought, or as a key voice in a particular conversation they care about.