golan Here is a brief thread about large-run printed books with generative cover designs. (For the purposes of this repository, "generative" means each copy is unique, and "large run" means I'm not considering print-on-demand. Thanks to everyone who sent links.)
emilymbender Today's big good news, reported without repeating any slurs: twitter.com/IndianCountry/…
StefanMuelller When do you know you are crazy? If you spend more than four days on implementing and converting/formatting a multilingual index. But I think it is worth it since it is a #Chinese/#English dictionary for #linguistics terms now. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/0qx1jcVZfC
qkate They're like "nooo, I only know how to do one thing! and I want to pretend it's more important than literally anything else you could do with your time because learning those other things are girly / scary / beneath me!"
Like bros, it's called personal growth.
qkate Honestly I think some dudes only take this bullshit "no true Scotsman" stance because they're mad when they see others (mostly women and nbs but some men have this down too) having lucrative engineering jobs AND ALSO fulfilling things in their life outside of coding.
kathrinpassig Aus den Kommentaren zur Froschsache. Zefix, offenbar gibt es ein Gesetz des populärwissenschaftlichen Schreibens: "Alles ist entweder zu kompliziert oder falsch." twitter.com/sezmohammed/st…
kathrinpassig "thermoregulation by changing location" offenbar das "no taxation without representation" für Frösche
kathrinpassig Das mit den Fröschen im heißen Wasser stimmt also gar nicht! Man hätte sich das natürlich ganz leicht denken können, tatsächlich habe ich aber bis heute nie daran gedacht, es mir zu denken. Details en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_f… twitter.com/sasa_s/status/…
@kathrinpassig @sasa_s Ich hab gestern damit angefangen ("Herkunft" als Hörbuch ^^)
jasonhickel The idea of banning private cars in cities might sound wild to some, but it's absolutely feasible and would dramatically improve urban life. These inspiring graphics allow us to visualize what streets would look like, before and after. nytimes.com/2020/07/09/opi…
GabrielBerlin Adventurespiel, bei dem man mit 30 Hortkindern einen Ausflug in den Taunus macht. Klassische Streiche, magischer Realismus, nostalgische Anwandlungen, dann geht ein Kind verloren. – Von den Machern von HEAVY RAIN kommt ein neues deprimierendes interaktives Drama: SCHLÜSSELKINDER
MikeMcMahanTM Check out the Star Trek: Lower Decks trailer! Beaming to @CBSAllAccess on Aug 6th. pic.twitter.com/tKIA3z2ibe
kathrinpassig I read this back in April and started a shared spreadsheet ("Corona - the good bits") with @HannaEngelmeier the same day. It's been such a nice experience I want to keep doing it forever. Thank you, @ljxie / @JeremyRubin. twitter.com/ljxie/status/1…
yoavgo This triggered quite a bit of attention, and, frankly, I am astonished by the _diversity_ of the responses and subthreads. It seems that our datasets are non-representative of "real-world-needs" in so many different ways! (also, many diff interpretations of "real-world"!) twitter.com/yoavgo/status/…