Person A wird wütend auf Person B AUS KEINEM GRUND
derwahremawa vorbildlich…
@lukukian Oh, ist das im Beachclub Kaap Hoorn?

TerribleMaps Europe but if Europe colonised it.
#Europe #Colonised #Map #Borders
CAshmanActor english teacher: describe a tree in as few words as possible.
JRR Tolkien: no
KidsWriteJokes Hermione: I’ve got to be clear here, I really like you Harry,but…
Harry: I like your hairy butt too.
caroverbeek I meant ‘visual art’ of course not ‘virtual art’. But I kind of like that idea too ;-)
caroverbeek Why introduce scents to a museum of virtual art? Read about some of the outcomes of my phd-research on olfactory museology. #smell #senses #inclusive…
EnglishGibson That's because cockney "L" is like Polish "Ł" (i.e. /w/) when not followed by a vowel – as in "milk" or "Paul".
In Polish, though, it can be followed by a vowel – as in "złoty" or "Wałęsa".
dalcashdvinsky In general, I wish people would stop overvaluing ideas. Ideas are cheap. Everybody has them. Most of them are wrong. Read my next book "Against ideas". And don't get me started on discoveries.
dalcashdvinsky The idea that you have to be "aggressively independent" to be a successful scientist and that those people have "all the ideas" is, and I can't stress this enough, dangerous, ahistorical, crude nonsense.
derwahremawa Man muss die Poschardt-Texte auf der Metaebene lesen, als selbstreferenzielle Reflexion auf das geile Gefühl, das es einem Mann macht, entscheiden zu können, was in der Zeitung steht.
houellebeck "Okay, Inflation kennen wir, Deflation auch irgendwie. Aber was ist eigentlich Stagflation? Nun, glaubt man dem Chef des Münchner Ifo-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, Clemens Fuest, dann könnten die Deutschen das bald herausfinden." Yo yo yo, SpOn-Journalism in da house!
tesseralis I have a meta-joke.
Fakt: Das iPhone 12 kommt mit sieben Kameras ꙮ
GabrielBerlin Wenn ich nicht hier bin, bin ich am Kassettendeck

xkcdComic Asterisk Corrections
emilymbender And, before spending lots of time arguing over definitions of intelligence, we also need to pin down why we want (a) to define intelligence and (b) to build something that would meet a definition of A(G)I.
emilymbender Laurent writes: "As long as there are disagreements about what intelligence is or isn’t, we’ll be able to shift the goalposts and deny intelligence to machines." But that's backwards: As long as we don't have a definition of intelligence, we can't ask if we've built one. >>
aparrish among the reasons I use large pre-trained language models sparingly in my computer-generated poetry practice is that being able to know whose voices I'm speaking with is... actually important, as is being understanding how the output came to have its shape (long thread sorry)
wiase Was ist das eigentlich: Versuchen jetzt noch ein paar junge weiße Männer auf den Alte-weiße-Männer-Zug aufzuspringen, bevor der gänzlich abgefahren ist, oder was.
random_walker 140 was a bit silly, but 280 is a decent length for a well crafted paragraph. Twitter forces me to practice making my text succinct, which has made me a better writer in general. That's great because I write for a living, like many others—even if we don't call ourselves writers.
random_walker I often criticize Twitter, but there are a few things I really appreciate about it, and one of them is threads. I think threads are a pretty cool way to write. Yes, it’s a form of lazy blogging, but I’ve found the laziness to be a virtue more often than it is a sin.
BuckRivera Gehst raus willst romantischen Spaziergang machen doch plötzlich ROBOMOND…