stiiin_ebooks Unicode, the Design Principles: Characters, Not Glyphs
Unicode, later in the same chapter: “Characters” and Grapheme Clusters
UAX #29: Extended grapheme clusters, legacy grapheme clusters, and tailored grapheme clusters
programmers: f"Your name has {len(name)} characters."
AdamVcoding Typing using only 4 keys is challenging! This is my first go at making a semantic keyboard, which works by guiding a language model to write a text for you.
Using GPT-3:
Dunkelmagier Dachte früher immer die Leute schreiben ihre albernen Signaturen in Internetforen jedes Mal neu und von Hand dazu wenn sie einen Beitrag schreiben wie so ein Charakter aus nem Spiel der immer seine catchphrase sagt bevor er geht
AIsToBAsCIsToD Theology : Study Of The Gods :: Meteorology : Study Of Meteor Gods
hiangelali my therapist just told me that i am such a product of capitalism that ive replaced any real joy with accomplishments
and ive never been so accurately dragged in my life
skglas anglerverbände fordern studie zur unverhältnismäßigen gegenwehr von fischen beim amhakenzappeln (sorry)
vagina_museum we have added to our Equality and Inclusion policy the following:
"When providing references for current or former employees or volunteers, if asked how many sick days the former employee or volunteer has taken, no Vagina Museum employee or representative...…
Vegetarian, aber als armenischer Nachname
emilymbender Q for #linguist twitter: Do you know of any languages which a) aren't Indo-European, b) have relative pronouns, AND c) have homophony between relative pronouns and question words?
derwahremawa Wer nannte es Institut für angewandte Statistik und nicht Random House
Zollstock-Schnappmechanismus 1 : 0 Lidschlussreflex #Aua #Hornhautverletzung
With the recent addition of a REPL, Bach has advanced to be my go-to desktop calculator.
ay0_d1 “Then how do you say aisle” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
CrazyCrazyRobot remember when the nazis invaded portland
_l17r_ Okay, now I've seen it all: I've just received a tinfoil conspiracy email about infinite sets and cardinalities.
nelsonlflores Don’t let the unpredictability of individual identity making distract from the predictability of structural oppression.
Wort des Tages: Denkmann…
tallinzen @ojahnn Also I don't want to engage in badness comparisons but there are a lot of debates about whether or not to cite Heidegger, which may be helpful here? Here's a pro-citing-bad-people perspective…
dirk_hovy As a reminder: "[T]he common misconception [is] that language use has primarily to do with words[...] It doesn't. It primarily has to do with people" (Clark&Schober '92, h/t @jurafsky). To make progress in #NLProc, we need to model the social aspects of language.
beritmiriam Hat einen Moment gedauert, bis ich verstanden habe, dass das Kind mit "ausgedruckte WhatsApp Sticker" solche Postkarten mit "witzigen" Sprüchen meinte.
Dunkelmagier Wichtige Information
22% done with Herkunft, by Saša Stanišić…
GretchenAMcC I've been thinking a lot about this question of how we establish better virtual "hallways" as conferences and other events move online
(As this quote from Because Internet that @yoavgo cites suggests, it interested me before lockdown too, but it's taken on an increased urgency)…